
      Although this is off topic, I must state that 9/11 was indeed an inside 
job.  There are reams of scientific evidence and proof that the governments 
story is a total fabrication.  Scientists, architects, pilots, and engineers 
all dispute the government version of events and have the proof to back up 
their claims.  Please peruse this site for the real facts.

      America has been hijacked and it's high time the perps are brought to 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Steve 
  Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 8:04 AM
  Subject: CS>Conspiracies

        The problem with conspiracy theories is that they are usually presented 
as facts and no effort is given to provide serious documentation or support.  
Usually the support behind the statements is in the theorist's rationalization 
which involves a series of suppositions, each one relying upon the accuracy of 
another, like individual dominoes stacked precariously one upon another.   As 
long as every single supposition/domino is dead on accurate, the whole thing 
manages to stay together, but if one is wrong, the entire structure falls.    
Generally, theorists don't really have much in the way of facts, but they have 
a lot of opinions.

        On the other hand..... there really are conspiracies.  And the nature 
of conspiracies is that the perpetrators do not like them to be discovered.  
People attempted to reveal the conspiracy are targeted for discreditation, 
ridicule, or elimination.

        What do you do?   You do your best to listen to what is claimed, 
attempt to determine if it has any realistic merit, and make your best 

        Popular conspiracy theories in my lifetime include:

        Man landing on Moon is a Hoax
        Roosevelt knew about the Pearl Harbor attack in advance
        Obama is not born in the US
        Katrina Hurricane relief efforts were bungled purposely because victims 
were African Americans
        Global Warming (now climate change since the earth has been cooling for 
about 8 years)  is due to human activity

        And many others.

        People who promote these theories are mostly sincere.  They are 
forceful.   They are passionate.   But being sincere, forceful, dramatic, or 
loud does NOT mean you are correct.  

        Making claims without any proof by someone who is sincere or loud 
convinces many people.  The Katrina victims theory is particularly weak because 
absolutely no documentation or support exists for the claim.  Global warming 
theory is particularly suspect, especially now, because the scientists doing 
climate change research have been proven to have conspired to for years to toss 
data and studies that don't support the theory.  

        Now, the claims that David Rockefeller owns 85% of the world's 
pharmacies could possibly be true I suppose.  But, nobody seems to be able to 
come up with any documentation, so I ignore this.   But let's say it's true.  
On top of this, for the conspiracy to be accurate, we need to believe that an 
incredibly rich man who will never be able to spend 10% of his wealth is so 
crazed by money and power that he will deliberately go out of his way to risk 
everything to cover-up or discredit alternative treatments and remedies that 
may have some real merit.   This is a lot for someone to accept without some 
real documentation.

        As far as the claim that the WTC were not brought down by terrorists 
amazes me since I saw the buildings collapse on live tv.   The buildings each 
took much longer than 10 seconds to collapse from the time they were struck by 
the airplanes.   There are a number of well researched papers discussing the 
mechanics of how that happened.  Imploding experts use dynamite to implode 
buildings.  This was entirely different and the imploders' expertise is pretty 
much irrelevant here.  There are tons of evidence that 911 was indeed 
orchestrated by Al Quaida terrorists.  

        Me?  I'm just skeptical of exotic claims.  I'm willing to listen to 
just about ANY theory as long as there is some real evidence to back it up.  
Evidence other than someone connecting a bunch of assumptions and opinions.  

        I think we are currently living through one of the biggest conspiracies 
on record right now, namely the efforts to pass the so called 'Health Care 
Reform Bill.'    I think there is a lot of evidence to suggest that various 
politicians are being blackmailed to support it or paid off in one way or 
another.  I have no proof of this, so I can't promulgate my theory as anything 
more than a suspicion.  If successful in their efforts, the government will 
have unprecedented power over our lives.   Anything you might have to say about 
911, Rockefeller's banks, the Fed, or the FDA pales in comparison with what 
this power grab is likely to do.

        That's my take.

        Steve G.

        --- On Sun, 12/20/09, John E. Stevens <> 

          From: John E. Stevens <>
          Subject: Re: CS>...these videos are about Autism
          Date: Sunday, December 20, 2009, 10:05 AM

          Yes, Rockefeller owns many of the banks, too.  The Fed - corrupt as 
all hell.  The Bildeburger group, the Rockefellers, JP Morgan and the 
Rothchild's control 90% or more of all the banks and the Fed.  They also 
control most of the pharmaceutical companies (the reason millions - maybe 
billions are dying needlessly...) and they write the university and college 
curriculum for our M.D.'s...  Ain't that just grand.  Without a Merck PDR where 
would they be?  And the wars are controlled, too - the "Insiders" want to 
eliminate the obsolete "backward" cultures...  Those that can't keep up with 
their measure of intelligence... Sick...  And our kids are the cannon fodder 
for their evil ways.  And if we think 9/11 and the WTC was brought down by 
terrorists, one should do some serious investigation.  Seven buildings came 
down...  And, you can't bring down 110 stories in 10 seconds...  That's 
impossible...  Ask any scientific imploder...