At 09:18 AM 12/22/2009 +1030, you wrote:

I want to add to this that I have no doubt that mercury in vaccines is responsible for many neurological issues. After receiving 3 HepB shots, my MS symptoms returned with a vengeance, and it was those symptoms returning which alerted me to the fact that they contain Thimerosal. This was only 9 years ago.. and for many vaccines the mercury/thimerosal has not been removed.

The flu vaccine that was promoted across the world during this 'pandemic' had mercury in it. If one wanted one without it one had to order it specifically.

Anyone who states for a fact that vaccines do not contain mercury any more, is either uninformed or lies through their teeth for whatever reason.

## In some places and for some applications they do contain Mercury and in some they don't. It was Sweden, I think, that eliminated Mercury in ALL vaccines 30 years ago, but Autism rates kept climbing there, just as fast as everywhere else that didn't. That does not indicate that Mercury doesn't cause Autism, just that vaccines aren't the **major** source of Mercury. So, removing it from vaccines is about as effective as a diet coke with 5 MacBurgers and Fires to lose weight. It's just that with a regular Coke and 5 MacBurgers and Fries, you'll gain weigh a little bit faster ....and blame the Coke for ALL of the poundage.

Of COURSE it makes sense to drop the Coke, but that won't and hasn't solved the bigger "Burger" problem. ..and people don't want THAT problem solved because they'll feel hungry and not everyone gets fat, but everybody likes to eat. [Lights on, trains, trucks and busses running] they go after the Coca Cola company, and since they can't reach it to hang's a "conspiracy" and the mobs of burger eaters, fat or not, get to have fun with all the torches and pitchforks and get to "believe" they are actually on the right track, doing something useful because they CAN'T get it done. But if they DID get it done, the problem would still be there as just VERY SLIGHTLY less of a problem, if that, as it's being swamped out by more and more burgers replacing the removed 200 calories with 10,000 more from another place.
 It does little good to remove the Coke and add Cheese Cake.

 Assuming that Mercury retention causes Autism:
The next question in line would be, Do the vaccines without Mercury have anything to do with environmental Mercury retention and Autism in certain people? Stop vaccinations of ALL types in a sample area where rates are high and see if Autism rates drop. If they don't drop, it's not the's the certain people, or some other factor.

Could even be that whatever causes Autism causes Mercury retention.
Just because Aluminum has been found in Alzheimer patients brains, doesn't mean that Aluminum exposure causes Alzheimers, when Aluminum is about the 3rd most common element on the planet and virtually removing it from the food chain with a pot and pan panic hasn't reduced Alzheimers rates at all.

BOTH could be just a simple chelating mineral deficiency...the same as what causes Copper toxicity in "some" people, where Copper is unavoidable.

On that note, Silver has an affinity for damaged nerve tissue.
 Silver levels are very low except for where the damage is.
It didn't damage those nerves, it FOUND them and THEN effect, not a cause.

It's not the rain that causes water to collect into a lake, it's the dip in the landscape.


At 08:16 AM 22/12/2009, you wrote:
I have nmo doubt that mercury, along with other heavy metals can cause autism. Our grandson was diagnosed as autistic for the last 4 or so years, and has had horrible problems in school. My daughter put him on Oral Chelation a couple of months ago, and now they are saying he is normal, and his grades have skyrocketed.


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