Since people with like opinions get together to realize their ideals, conspiracies are just part of humanity in action.
Of course there are "conspiracies"
Any given workplace is one.  A family looking to feed itself is one.

Since there are no many conflicting ideals.."control" is a fairy tale.
..even control within the conspiracy.

Degrees of Influence is about the most that can be done...and of course, lies are part of that game.

There is no difference between the Alt Health industry and the Big Pharm industry except overhead and current scale of the participants...many small conspiracies countering a few big ones seeking market share and domination of ideals to maximize profits. It is not in the best interest of either one for YOU to control your own health issues...but neither one can stop you. Two or more peeps trying makes an independence conspiracy to keep their own profits, generally made by being in another conspiracy.

 Market share potential constructs conspiracies to use them.
The belief that "credit is money" creates banks that offer credit the idea that "God must have a house because *I* need one"....creates church goer conspiracies with priests collecting money to pay Gods rent for Him. [So He doesn't have to wander around homeless? ]

There are those that can only think in absolute opposites feeling a NEED for certainty and life without doubt, so one mis-statement or omission makes everything one group says a lie and anyone else must telling the entire truth so long as they disagree...with all THEIR mis-statements and omissions ignored to maintain that [non] sense of certainty.

Birds fly and they have gizzards and poop in the air and that poop always hits you on the head [you never notice the poop that doesn't] so pooping in the air requires taking careful aim, so in order for an airplane to fly, it must have a gizzard and make chemtrails and those clouds are aimed at you.

You BETTER believe it just because the Gov't says it ISN'T true and it sometimes doesn't tell you everything and of course it must actually KNOW everything, being in utter "control" of itself...just because you aren't.....therefore, it always lies.

Everything you've ever had came from someone else.
If you don't have it and someone else does....they must have stolen yours.
So, if you steal it back, you'll have it.
To do that, organize and support those who also believe that's true and appear to have enough power to accomplish that ideal. ..but look closely and you'll find that that *power* came from someone else and wasn't made by them. It was acquired at birth or by marriage or by hook and crook, not made or earned, just like the power YOU feel you deserve to wrest from others in order to have any. But beware.. your power thieves are thieves just like you and will steal whatever little power you may have, as well, to add to their stash...GUARDED and held for ransom, never given...because thieves know all about how it can be stolen and what it takes to defend that which IS stolen in order to keep it...and don't know how to make any of their own.

 "Bait and trap", they DO know well.
NO one wants to see that THEY THEMSELVES are co-conspirators [in denial ]'s always some "them"
 THEY believe that "credit is money", that's why *I* borrow it ?
..let's go buy some faith from a priest so he can pay Gods rent ......and make God grateful to have a house? [so He'll "kickback" a miracle ? ]

The "Big Pharma" is out to kill me...yet.. I keep going to that evil doctor, the Pharms' henchman and complain about what they did to me.
 Who "made" you go?
Who gave them the authority?
Then you run away to another authority, "Big Alt Herbs" and THEIR henchmen ... and that's not the same thing.

 The denial of control is ALSO a control conspiracy.

I'd say that each of us are in the center of a circle of dominoes and are scared to move.
 Any which way you go, something is going to fall over..."you first".
So, you try to make "them" move and when something does inevitably fall over, it's their fault.

..but falling over is the first action in the process of walking.
 Make "them" walk and where do YOU go?

OK Mike "in violation"
 Heck, I AM a violation. [ I take full irresponsibility for my inactions ]


At 08:04 AM 12/20/2009 -0800, you wrote:
The problem with conspiracy theories is that they are usually presented as facts and no effort is given to provide serious documentation or support. Usually the support behind the statements is in the theorist's rationalization which involves a series of suppositions, each one relying upon the accuracy of another, like individual dominoes stacked precariously one upon another. As long as every single supposition/domino is dead on accurate, the whole thing manages to stay together, but if one is wrong, the entire structure falls. Generally, theorists don't really have much in the way of facts, but they have a lot of opinions.

On the other hand..... there really are conspiracies. And the nature of conspiracies is that the perpetrators do not like them to be discovered. People attempted to reveal the conspiracy are targeted for discreditation, ridicule, or elimination.

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