Some, over a long time...but it's all silver stuff.
Rinse it with dab of distilled water [DW] after each use and the black mold looking stuff won't build up. [Dried silver ions make black silver oxide isn't mold.] Any yellowish deposits can be removed instantly with some H2O2 and a quick DW rinse.

Rather than using a filter, let the CS settle for a few days and decant. Works much better than any filter you can buy outside a lab supply house.
 Save the dregs for topical application.


At 05:51 AM 1/15/2010 -0800, you wrote:
I have a question about using the same jar to make EIS. Isn't there some kind of build-up that can happen on the sides of the jar from making the EIS? Curious...thanks Deb

From: MaryAnn Helland <>
Sent: Fri, January 15, 2010 7:24:18 AM
Subject: Re: CS>washing jars?

Hi Beth. Well according to Trem, that would be a bad idea. Hope he has the courage to post again about it! For myself, I also use a quart mason jar to make my EIS, but then pour it into a storage jar and reuse the *making* jar again. I never wash any of the jars. I do occasionally use a paper towel to wipe off any residue on the inside of the mason jar -- a little bit of silver film does accumulate over time. If I felt the storage jars needed cleaning, I would simply swish around some hydrogen peroxide inside there, then rinse with distilled water. HTH.

From: Beth Harrison <>

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