Hi Sol, Yep, that's fine, I wasn't suggesting there is anything wrong with 
clear, which I'm sure you knew anyway.  Praps I should have gone further, I 
think it's well recognised me and this email thing aren't the best of friends 
as a communication medium <g>.


I've spoken with plenty of people via this medium and read considerably from a 
multitude of literature available in the public domain, and purchased a book or 
three, and at the end of the day, when push comes to shove, I've made my own 
determinations on some matters EIS related that's all.  With all the 
information available I considered there was little choice BUT make some of my 
own deliberations on some things.  My philosophy is to talk with as many people 
as I can, read as much as I can, and from all that pick what I believe is 
relevant and meaningful.


I don't go to the 'enth' degree with this stuff as if I move somewhere else and 
availability of purest water or some other factor rears it's ugly head I'm 
going to run into some trouble possibly, so, to that end I just use the EL 
Cheapest DW I can find,  but as long as the uS level remains within a 
particular tolerance, as dictated by my quality control manager...and that 
would be me <g>...I'm satisfied.



> Neville,
> I have always wanted perfectly water clear CS. Would use light 
> yellow or straw color though. But I didn't care for darker golden 
> yellow, though that used to be the preferred color, I think.
> Since my distiller died, and I am not replacing it right away, I 
> am trying to relax my color opinions a bit, but will be noticing 
> whether I can determine any lessened effectiveness should my CS begin 
> going yellow again due to vagaries of purchased distilled water. 

Time for a new car? Sell your old one fast!