In the hope all this goes be sure, to be sure, here is Part 2 <g>




I don't aim for colours, well...sometimes praps, when I want something else for 
a particular purpose, but I guess I should have stated my other 
'cornerstone'...No observable mud or 'gravel' laying in the bottom of my 
storage vessels after days/weeks or months in storage, that's the MOST critical 
thing for me.  I've read about size of capillaries in the body, blood brain 
barrier, size of particles which will pass through the gut lining, maximum size 
a particle should be to be classified as a colloid etc etc and all that type 
stuff and I'm satisfied that what I produce is 100% OK for bioavailability, 
regardless of colour...well, to a point of course, I may be a tad racist I 
guess as black is OUT <g>.  I've used a dark tea coloured (reddish?) solution 
for tonsilitis and glandular issues in the past.  It's all a matter of GUESSING 
what amount, what uS/ppm level, and how long treatment should be 
continued...colour relatively irrellivant.


Sometimes people just have to make some deliberations of their own...I'm one of 
those, I don't run with the herd, unless I can see that they're heading to 
greener pastures.


Shopping Trolley Mechanic If It Exists, You'll Find it on SEEK