Yup..and I think it was someone on this list that made the original inquiry.
 Specific questions got a specific answer for a change.

 Quoting from Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D. (John Hopkins University)

&you should be advised that we recently completed an extensive review of the scientific literature on the afety of silver, especially as it relates to its one known potential side effect, namely, Argyria. Argyia is an irreversible discoloration of the pigment (skin) caused by excessive silver intake or chronic exposure to silver by certain tissues. The amount of silver required to develop Argyria is estimated to be 3.8 grams per day.

That's the first time I've heard the "Per Day" statement and the minimum seems to range between 2 and 4 grams depending on who's talking, usually with no time period specified or considering any hint of an elimination or absorption rate.....which sort of leaves us with a few tough to define assumptions about *retention* being a huge factor.
 PHD [Piled higher and deeper, once again ]

I think I could probably swallow a One Troy Ounce Silver Eagle every day from now on and not retain any significant amount of silver. [Then drown in a pool of water due to having so much ballast...but it was da silver whut killed im. ]

It's that very lack of context that makes all the dosing recommendations I've run across [so far ] ....totally worthless.

Paraphrasing Mike D
 If it worked, it was enough.
If more still doesn't work, do that differently till it does, or try something else. ..and once the reason for doing it doesn't apply, forgetting to do it is easy...so quit.

..and there's more than one way to turn blue.  Being dead is one of them.


At 03:37 PM 2/6/2010 -0800, you wrote:
Hello Ode,

I am sure you have seen this FDA communication...


I found the language very interesting.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ode Coyote" <odecoy...@windstream.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 6:42 AM
Subject: Re: CS>FDA approval

> If you need "approval" for everything you do, you'll never do anything.
>    The very reason we make EIS and use it is because we are CHEAP and
> give a hoot WHAT the FDA says.
> Besides
>   Even the FDA can't afford to test things to their own standards.
> Their "final word" [in so many words] reads like:
> "We don't know, we don't want to know, we've found no reason to want to
> know....so shut up and do what you want to....just don't make claims and
> won't have to come down there and slap you
> ..and if you ASK, we'll just say no to cover our buttocks.....so don't
> "  [Likewise with the Product Safety Commission....if we don't know, just
> say no to be safe.]
>   "Not proven safe and effective" [FDA double talk]  just means it hasn't
> been tested, which ISN'T proof of being unsafe or ineffective.
>   The FDA situation is such that they can't afford to prove ANYTHING and
> have to rely on those that CAN afford to...which can have a few "problems"
> now and then.
>   But then, yanking something from the shelves to cover their buttocks in
> the face of a consumer scare, has happened many times.
> But never with EIS.
>   They are far more concerned with what's ON bottle, than what's in it.
> FOIA request has established that the FDA has no matching records
> concerning "EIS" of any reported cases, yea OR nay.
> If it works, no harm done.....if it doesn't.....loop back to the medical
> establishment. [and maybe the SAME harm done that would have happened
> anyway, had you not tried. ]
> Ode
> At 04:52 PM 2/5/2010 -0800, you wrote:
> >There has been a LOT of discussion about FDA approvals and what it takes
> >to get them and how much it costs, etc.
> >
> >OK, so?   How many people are there now who make their own EIS?
> >
> >How many people are there in addition who might want to use it if it were
> >FDA approved?
> >
> >Hundreds?  Thousands?  More?
> >
> >Individually we do not have the resources of a large pharmaceutical
> >company, but together, all thousands of us, maybe we could put together
> >the wherewithall to do the research, conduct the tests, and perfect a
> >product that could be FDA approved!
> >
> >Why not?
> >
> >Any interest out there, besides me?
> >
> >Dick
> >
> >
> >--
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> >The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> >
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>
> >