I would think that would be prohibitively expensive here in the UK even if 
there is anywhere that could do it.  dee

On 6 Feb 2010, at 00:41, Neville Munn wrote:

> Dick's snipped quote:
> [10-20% colloidal silver particles, and 80-90% ionic silver particles]
> I would suggest a number of people should get a number of home made samples 
> tested, of differing ppm or uS readings, and over various time frames *after* 
> cessation of production and give some feedback.  There's no way in this world 
> I can accept published ion/particle ratio's should be accepted as the general 
> rule, a guide perhaps, some I believe would interpret it as meaning *that* is 
> what they should be getting when *that* could be far removed from the 
> actuallity.  While it may be a generalization, home producers should not 
> consider it the rule, unless they have more information supplied to go on 
> which will enable them to make better determinations.  Published material is 
> based on science, Joe and Jenny Bloggs can't base their home produced 
> solutions on science, but moreso on *artistic flair* is how I see it, in 
> combination with some science principals praps.  And I assume there are a 
> number of 'Joe and Jenny Bloggs' on here, if not, then I'm *well* out of my 
> depth and will fade away.
> I welcome anyone to shoot holes through all this in the interest of 
> furthering my knowledge, have to add though that in all probability I won't 
> be in a position to reply cos I'm no scientist and don't savvy the lingo, but 
> I'd be more than happy to READ any thoughts or considerations on it.
> N.