Sol wrote:

Very sad, bread (of any kind) is one of my most favorite foods. Donuts and coffee is my favorite breakfast. And if I don't lose some more weight here soon, I may toss the low carb diet out the window, and to heck with the high BP (as well as bromine) and go back to it.

Sol- I have found that gluten is a problem for me, and had to give up wheat breads. I used to make sourdough, I don't really miss it because I know what it will do to me if I eat it, but I had a little attack of nostalgia recently. One of the supermarket women's magazines recently featured a diet free from gluten, saying gluten causes unhealthy weight gain and the gluten-free grains don't.

So I do eat some gluten-free grains, like buckwheat, quinoa, rice, millet, and amaranth. I don't try to make breads out of them for the most part, but eat them just cooked in water, with savory vegetables like onion, garlic, and some mushrooms, and some vegetable accompaniment like zucchini, broccoli, asparagus, spinach, kale, etc. I also like them with some herbal topping (present fav- fennel seed ground in a coffee grinder, dillweed, and parmesan cheese) or lemon pepper, and melted cheese or sour cream. I use either tea (for the caffeine to speed up the metabolism) or honey and apple cider vinegar as an aid to losing weight, they seem to be working for me. For my birthday "cake" last time I made pumpkin cheese cake with no grains, sweetened with stevia, and with nut, cinnamon, and stevia crust, and topped it with vanilla whipping cream sweetened with stevia. It was yummy.


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