thanks for that clear explanation Mike - I think I have it now!  dee

On 16 Feb 2010, at 20:41, M. G. Devour wrote:

>> Sol -- maybe I mis-read this, but I understood it to say that CS does
>> not harm the friendly bacteria -- and gives the reason (because CS
>> decomposes enzymes required by anaerobic bacteria, which are the
>> unfriendly bacteria).  Did I get this wrong? MA
> Hi MaryAnn,
> It was a misunderstanding, I believe. Early advocates of CS noticed
> that it was often effective without apparently disrupting the normal
> intestinal flora. Their attempt to answer this was the assertion Orv
> relates to us in his post below, from Dr. Clark. (Hulda, I presume?)
> It turns out, in reality, that there is a very poor correlation between
> an organism's status as aerobic versus anaerobic and its role as a
> pathogen (bad germ!) or useful symbiote (good germ?) in humans.
> If you look at healthy flora, you'll find both anaerobic and aerobic
> bacteria. If you look at pathogenic bacteria, you'll find both aerobic
> and anaerobic. You'll even find some bacteria that can be either,
> depending on the state of the environment they are in.

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