The other side of that story is those looking for something easy to blame and a following to make them feel important. The impossible solution is the easy fight..blaming what you can't control is very safe but totally ineffective with no way to win, but every way to continue the "good fight" and stick somebody up on a leader pedestal that fears falling off and will say *anything* to stay up there.
You will find propaganda on both sides of any issue.
You just can't trust anyone to think for you, not on either side.

I asked biochemists that don't make sweeteners and they confirmed the info. So what.

 What is true doesn't matter.
If the consumer avoids Apsertame for any reason, true or not. It WILL NOT BE SOLD. Regardless of what is true, I am making my contribution to the elimination of crappy tasting sweeteners with no dispute possible.

The balance of value in any "belief"  belongs to each individual.

Here's the thang:
The instant that some else is held responsible for anothers choices, both their choices AND yours will become limited in self defense. If I am required to clean up after you and you after me, I will naturally try to keep you from making a mess...and vice versa. "What" constitutes a mess is then a personal opinion made public and the public can never agree on anything and will stuff EVERYONE into a box where no one can do anything. To control another is like begging to become a slave. There are then no "others", they are all YOU, out of control...and "begging for it".

Universal Health Care is the absolute WORST thing we could possibly do to our own personal freedom. Buying "collision" insurance is quite bad enough to make people not care how they drive. If a knife blade sticking out of a steering column were standard equipment, the accident rate would go to near zero. [and one per customer]

The Constitution outlines the greatest of wisdoms: You are free to shoot yourself in the foot, but not to make me dance.
 Anything else is a fast track to a pool of quicksand for all concerned.
 The unwinnable fight where both winners and losers are losers.

The label on the box is plenty enough for YOU to make YOUR choice.
As for me, one bite or swig spit out does the job of making that my last purchase. Now, I LIKE Corn Syrup and if it kills me, I'll die fat and happy...but, I drink one Coke a day, if that, and I'll probably survive that regardless...only to fall off my tractor and get myself bush hogged. In that case, the dogs can have the pieces of sweet meat and you are not required to even gather them up.

Back in the old days, the gun fighter stuffed dollars into an empty chamber, one, to not shoot off his toes and two, to pay the undertaker if he went toes up.
 What happened to that?


At 01:26 PM 2/26/2010 +0000, you wrote:
Makes sense so far....but....what if the studies were done by people who had an agenda in pronouncing it safe? This has been done many times i.e the cigarette companies spring to mind here plus vaccine and statin manufacturers. I still cannot believe that so many people have condemned this substance without cause, and I for one won't be drinking anything with it in--plus, as you say--it tastes like crap too! dee

On 26 Feb 2010, at 09:59, Ode Coyote wrote:

> Yup..and they are all true if you ignore context and know..the "facts" without all the varnish.
> Formaldehyde is also a natural metabolite of many "healthy" foods.
> Different people metabolize things in different proportions.
> Methanol and formaldehyde is what makes some drunks skin stink and have hangovers...and some don't.
> It's like that bad sugar thing with Corn Syrup and glucose...they ALL metabolize into Glucose which you can't live without, so why is any sugar any different than any other? > Isn't the problem simply to much sugar in conjunction with problems in handing it?

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