This is so important that I am reposting it on all the lists I belong to. I 
think you all know that I am not a sp mmer.  

I know that many of you on this list are very concerned about natural wellness 
and this includes the food that you eat. There is an urgent requirement now to 
stand up and speak out about GMO.

I just submitted my comments to the USDA telling them to protect the integrity 
of organics by not approving the use of genetically-modified (GMO) alfalfa. 

The USDA has alarmingly and mistakenly announced that they do not believe that 
consumers care whether or not GMO's are a part of our food supply and our 
agricultural production. Approving GMO alfalfa would significantly harm the 
integrity of and access to organic food, as well as the livelihoods of organic 

We need to show them that we do indeed care! 

Please take a moment to submit your comments to the USDA by following this link 
from Food Democracy Now! Then please pass this on. Every voice counts!

Thanks!  And please, please, forward this to everyone you know....

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