
I've used a vitamix to premix my liposomal C in anticipation of ultrasonic

I do it in stages (adding cold EIS made with DW) to accommodate the foam
from making the sodium ascorbate (Ascorbic Acid + sodium bicarbonate). I'm
quite leery of using warm don't want to melt the lecithin, you
want to bombard it (hence the ultrasonic cleaner) with the sodium ascorbate
so that the particles are encapsulated by the lecithin, not melted out of
the lecithin.

According to Mr. Bradley, you're only going to get about 20% encapsulation
when using a blender or mixer of any sort rather than the ultrasonic
bombardment.  Not sure why you'd bother.  I suppose some is better than


On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 9:42 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick <>wrote:

> Well folks, I have just attempted the first version of this.  I used three
> tblspns. of lecithin in one cup of warm DW plus one level teaspoon sodium
> ascorbate in half a cup of cold DW.  I blended it in my Magimix which was
> not so successful, as it all came up and out of the top, so I had to tip
> quite a bit off!  The result is a sort of creamy liquid with a bit of foam
> at the top which tastes not bad.  I have put it in the fridge in a jar with
> a lid.  What am I now expecting, and does this sound right or not?  Thanks.
>  dee
> --