I sympathize. On three separate occasions the quacks made a knee problem
worse. And be careful with young pup physical therapists who will push too
far. Many of them have 15 watt IQs

I have not seen a quack in years but I called up a specialist on something
and his office quoted $875 to see him. I don't think so. I'll find another
way to take care of it.



On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Annie B Smythe <anniebsmy...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I'm hypothyroid, and my temps taken at the doctor's office just four months
> ago were around 97.3 and that was during the day, not a waking temp. My
> temps rose after I started using a thyroid glandular product with iodine and
> adrenal support in it. I dropped thirteen pounds doing nothing in six weeks,
> and my temps rose to 97.2. Then finally my TSH was pretty high, and the doc
> prescribed a thyroid med(I insisted on armour). My temps have hovered around
> 96.2 during the day and that is throughout my entire life, and the doc only
> ever checked TSH and said everything was alright. A body temp of 96.2 on a
> summer day is not alright! I am so angry and disgusted with the medical
> profession it's not even funny. When someone shows up with those kind of low
> body temps consistently there is something not right, and they didn't bother
> to find out why. And of course I was a kid and didn't know any different.
> The internet is the best thing that ever happened to me, when I got my first
> computer I started to learn things that really opened my eyes to what they
> were doing and what they were all about.. To think I trusted those AMA
> quacks all my life, until that point and thought I was the reason I couldn't
> drop weight like every one else, and gained weight so easily it was scary. I
> fasted for two weeks one time when I was around 15 YO, and gained weight! I
> did not lose one pound in two weeks. The doctors kept telling me I was lying
> when I told them I really didn't eat much, which was true, if I had eaten
> like everyone else I would have been the size of a barn. They told me to
> exercise more and I was already doing an hour of PE at school(we were
> required to take an hour of PE until the tenth grade) and walking three
> miles a day on my own after school. And no, my Mom did not buy junk food,
> and we had a huge veggie garden.. It took me three or four times the amount
> of time it took everyone else to lose a pound using the same amount of
> effort. That made me feel like there was something inherently wrong with me
> as a person and that I deserved what I got. Needless to say, I had a
> miserable self image from all that rot.  I wish I could sue the daylights
> out of them for the harm they did to me growing up. So yeah, the majority of
> them are quacks and they'll destroy you, body and soul, and finally kill
> you, if you listen to them and trust what they say.
> Annie
> Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh
> Gina Moore wrote:
>> A low body temp is a sign of hypothyroidism according to Broda Barnes ,
>> MD.  It can be missed by the traditional TSH and T4 tests.  (Read
>> ‘Hypothyroidism Type II’ by Mark Starr, MD.)  I’m on the fence with some of
>> the Wilson ’s Syndrome things, but it works for some people – the idea is
>> good, I’m just now sure about the treatment.  I have low body temp and it
>> only came up when I replace the hormones I was missing – T3 (Cytomel) being
>> the primary one.
>> In my research, I found that ADHD can be from low cortisol, which can
>> eventually cause thyroid to go low (which would cause the low temp).  I have
>> an ADHD child, and had his diurnal cortisol checked and it was very low all
>> day.  I’m trying to get him off the meds and do more natural things, but
>> it’s difficult.  Takes time and patience, which I have neither!  LOL!
>> Some sites to consider…
>> http://www.drlam.com/articles/adrenal_fatigue.asp
>> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/long-and-pathetic/
>> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/adrenal-info/
>> Just my 2 cents from the year and a half of research on thyroid/adrenals
>> I’ve done.  No medical advice given!
>> Gina
>> * From: * Steve G [mailto:chube...@yahoo.com]
>> *Sent:* Saturday, April 03, 2010 9:01 AM
>> *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
>> *Subject:* Re: CS>FYI Wilson's Temperature Syndrome
>> PT,
>> That's an interesting website.  I'm not sure what to make of it though.
>> My temperature has hovered around 97 degrees since I was a teenager.  The
>> only thing I've ever heard about that is that this is common with people who
>> have ADHD, which I have.  My 17 year old daughter has the same two issues.
>> Steve G
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Gurdjieff-- How can you expect fairness and decency on a planet of sleeping