You may have a problem converting T4 to T3 which is fairly common. I take Armour which is a prescription standardized med made from porcine thyroid glands. It has the full array of hormones is it. T4, T3, T2 and T1 and perhaps some calcitonin. I'd heard horror stories about synthroid and when my doc tried prescribing that to me I flat out refused it. I've been doing extremely well with Armour. I don't have the symptoms anymore, and I'm fine tuning the dosage. But I did have to switch to Erfa(Canadian Armour) recently because of the Armour, naturethroid/westhroid shortage.. No more fuzz brain, and achy muscles, joints, weakness, or alligator skin. But I also take an adrenal support supplement as well. My body temps have risen steadily. I also use a progesterone cream, I have an excess of estrogen. And of course I take Iodine too. Everything all natural no synthetics at all.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh wrote:

what product are you on? My temps barely reaches 97 during any day and I have a horrible weight problem. I'm on Synthroid. Edith

    I'm hypothyroid, and my temps taken at the doctor's office just four
     > months ago were around 97.3 and that was during the day, not a
     > temp. My temps rose after I started using a thyroid glandular
    product with
     > iodine and adrenal support in it. I dropped thirteen pounds doing
> in six weeks, and my temps rose to 97.2

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