Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Dok Dallas wrote:

SECOND-POSTING First Time was Too-Long to Go...so, Trimmed it Back Some.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hi Dee, Annie, (...others Fearing; Body-Snatch/Brain-Drain, Alien-Invasion....etc.)
Trust ME, after Reading through Comedy~Seisure...SERIOUS-STUFF...BELOW!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Get Excited...when someone asking 'questions' like...Where, are-People-Hiding? WATT's...GOING-ON Here? Why, wasn't I Informed-Earlier...Better turn-on TV..!!! Now OK...since MEMBERS Posting...and late-word from Home-Land-Defense of
As (some) may-recall...after the 911-ATTACK(s) in USA few years ago...Security
needed to be upgraded and NEW measures implemented...using the latest HIGH
TECH/(State-of-the-Art) "Bio-Nano-Sensor" to assist in [Surveillance & Tracking].
BioSensor-Technology/(BS~T) and Nano~Nano's...from MORK/(Robin Williams)
OK, off-record...I'm (retired) Aero-Space/Engineer & 50's~80's TV Sit-Com-Junky! So Scientific-Research-Community/(SRC) & Aero-Space-Defense-Industry/(ASDI) delivered Secret Satellite-Based-People-Tracking/(SBPT) System...April 1, 2010. News Media, General Public...even General Electric/(company?) Left-in-the-Dark. bUt Government...totally-concealed all Development Funding/(and Production) of,
what later became know by TS code-name as Welfare Program [TAITP~WBSF]?
When I first read Dee's "where-is-everyone?" posting...realized this would maybe perhaps be best-timing I would ever-get, to (accidentally) share a BIG-SECRET? IF NEVER see me POST again...either 'Men-in-Black', or Mike~Dev...Got-to-me! TAITP~WBSF deciphered: [Their-All-In-Their-Places~With-Big-Smiley-Faces] ;~} LoL...My Kinder-garden teacher had kids singing song...with similar wording.<g> RX=SMILE Dok Dallas P.S. As to answering (potential) Real CS/EIS Issues...I'm no GURU, or SWAMI
so feel-free to SEEK 2nd Opinion <G> Ode saying-nothing...maybe a cover-up?
Dok's, been Brewing CS/EIS (16~17+ years)...early 199x's and slight YELLOW and GOLDEN tint back-in-early 'DaZe'...was how we knew our BREW was-done before using any trode-voltage ckt's, or EC/IONIC Conductivity Meters...to Buy? If it's Clear-Yellow...trust it's (by optical-interference) off your larger Ag particles, but if it's a CLOUDY Yellow (or any other Colors)...then lQQk for Real-Problem? If you get Tyndall, using RED Laser, you have some-degree of (larger) Particles and can-go-by what Neville said, about evaluating (brightness), for an-estimate? (See Marshall has been posting-info on Particles-Size vs Photo-Spectrometry~) FYI: Using a Blue 405-nm Laser, or even Green LD...can-detect smaller...Size!
Have gone down to 385-nm (non-laser) light source, using special TRIX & PMT.
(Not sure Particle(s) Size PEAKING at 405 nm, but-maybe...Marshall knows?)
Adding few-drops of H2O2 to EIS (ONLY-24hr after Ending BREW cycle) it will be able to trigger a CATALYTIC reaction with (metallic) Silver to Bust-Up stable
LARGER PARTICLE...back down in Size to smaller (one/two) Atom Particles?
Tyndall will become LESS apparent (using RED), but 405~Blue still Detecting!
As long as it's only-slightly Yellow (and don't Smell/Taste like P*ss), it's GQQD to use for ANY application you wanted, but for INTERNAL use...It's UP-to user? While Neville DOWN-under may <G> use reservations...I prefer, Splash-a-Dash of 3% (food-grade) Hydrogen Peroxide into NIX Silver-Nuggets, to TINY & IONIC.
Never hurts to keep everything including Ag~electrodes LABORATORY KLEEN
as others mentioned, RINSE (x2) by DW after using H202 & Q-TIP on Trode(s).
NOTE: Drug-Store (3%) Hydrogen Peroxide MAY...contain a little, Acetanilide? H2O2...clears Yellow & Free's-IONS..? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acetanilide In some parts of the World (other than USA)...may find Tin-salts...other...Stuff? Back in 1800's Acetanilide was used like Aspirin...Close relative, to TYLANOL. (Not sure how much, in bottle of 3% H2O2, but suspect NOT~HEALTH Issue?) FYI: I'm of IRISH/(Humor/Extrovert{;-}}) & GERMAN/(Das-Engineer/Scientific!!!) CS in Irish-Wiskey & Beer...Pineapple, CoCoNut, Rum...for PinaColloidal <G> Irish Whisky was introduced eons-ago...to keep US-Irish...from Rulling World?

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