For a less toxic approach, try spraying them with d-limonene made from orange 
peels.  This will probably do the trick.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Christina Mattson 
  Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 6:13 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Killing poison ivy/oak

          Leslie, i don't know right off hand, we don't have that problem where 
i live, but you may want to find out if there is anything it doesn't like. 
          for example i don't like dandelions on my lawn so i pour straight 
horse manure tea on them, it is pure nitrogen and they disapear within a week. 
In the past i have seen natural Herbicides somewhere on the web. Poison Oak and 
Ivy are pretty hardy and Round up will definately kill them.
          I don't use it because i have a child and pets that roam around.
          Good Luck

          From: Leslie

          Do ya'll know anything that will kill Poison Ivy or Poison Oak? I 
have a lot of it just taking over. 