These satanists don't care, every dime counts, greed, they only care about stealing money - their god is money. How many people would have been saved from a 10 cent part over history? There is an area about 30 minutes north of here that is blocked off by large green fences (that reminds me, I need to gift it). What's so bad? A chemical company dumped hundreds of thousands of gallons of toxic waste on this nature preserve. Why? Because the "Fine" for dumping at the time was around $5,000.00, and the cost for them to properly dispose of it would have run $50,000+.. In effect, it was cheaper, and smarter business to poison every around, for decades.

My friend makes electronic devices, they take on average 1/4 watt to operate, and the first ones he made 10-15 years ago are still running today. The secret? He just uses components rated higher than the maximum power needed for the device. That way, they never wear out. What do the corporations do? They run components under-rated, so in fact, the product is virtually guaranteed to burn out in a few months, at most a couple years.

To be a consumer, you must "Consume" and if something is made that doesn't make you consume, then you aren't a consumer, and therefore, they can't make money off you. Did you know how toilet paper was invented? The same company that printed catalogs everyone used to wipe their butts figured instead of catalogs in your outhouse, they'd print them on paper you couldn't use on your rear, then sell you expensive paper to use on your rear. Coffee makers are another consumer scam. Coffee presses or percolators make fine coffee, use no filters, and use 80% less coffee. Can't have that, can we? So let's invent coffee makers, make them use paper filters, then make them run water over the grounds 1 time, so they have to use 100% more grounds. It was the perfect scam, and we all bought right into it.

How many _/stupid things/_ do people have to buy before they figure this out? Swiffer Mops, Toilet Bowl Click on cleaners, self-spraying shower cleaners, special solutions for this or that, wipes for this or that, and countless other things that are all - for all purposes - essentially useless garbage nobody really needs. Yet there are billion dollar industries formulated around people that are "Suckers", and these are the same companies poisoning you, your family, and your planet.

We use 1 product to do 90% of all cleaning in this home, and I make it myself. It cleans, disinfects, deodorizes, it's even good on your skin for any bites, infections, or anything else. We use 1 soap in this home for 100% of all tasks that require soap, and it has 4 organic ingredients in it. These two products alone would replace at least 20-30 different expensive products people use in their home! Need a scrubbing cleanser? Silly! Go buy a 1 pound box of baking soda at the dollar store, sprinkle it, add a drop of vinegar to a sponge and away you go. Toothpaste is the biggest scam around, it ruins the enamel on your teeth, the same SOAP we use around the home we use on our teeth, and none of us get cavities because we aren't scrubbing away our enamel. They take the natural glycerines out of your soap, then sell you it back in the form of expensive, toxic laden lotions, most people don't catch on.. They strip your food and salts of all trace minerals, then sell you them back in pill form.. It's the perfect racket!

When we decided we'd had enough years ago, we boxed up all of the toxic products and put them to the curb. In this box, I kid you not, were at least 65 different products. Useless, all of them! (and most of them dangerous) Don't fret folks, when all of this is over, and things are made anew, the greedy satanists will still be around, this time though, they'll be the trees. Not everyone has a soul, you know?

Bob Banever wrote:

OMG... what a disaster this is. God be with all of us... to think it could have been prevented with a $500,000 shut off valve is beyond the pale. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Marshall Dudley" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 12:35 PM
Subject: CS>Mother of all gushers could kill Earth's oceans
