Hi Steve,

Boiling water warps CDs....but you must have meant DC.

All I know about the subject is that the fellow who built the machine 
recommends about 75-80 for optimal production of  particles. Generally, 
reactions of any type occur faster at higher temperatures.  After all, temp 
is the vibratory rate of the substance.  Speaking very simply, I think. 
 Anytime you can control one variable, you know the changes are coming from 
others.  In that sense, having the same start temp will be beneficial with 
any voltage or frequency.   How it will change particle size and yield has 
not yet been published.

When I made LVDC the cloud formed denser faster when the temperature was 
higher.  My guess is that boiling the water will change its chemistry, a 
big pot of boiling water is dangerous,  it is an additional energy use in 
the production of the silver and since it can be done without it, why 

I use 80F.  I try to keep it the same, within about a half a degree so that 
I will know that variations are caused by other factors.  I am using a 
Taylor glass thermometer which is supposed to be accurate to about one 
tenth of a degree, but the resolution is not much better than a half a 

Incidentally, do you know what happens when you put a cool thermometer in a 
warm liquid?   The stuff in the thermometer expands, right?  Wrong.  The 
glass expands; the column drops slightly, initially.

Happy dispersing...

-----Original Message-----
From:   Steve King [SMTP:ssk...@nildram.co.uk]
Sent:   Thursday, September 16, 1999 1:00 PM
To:     silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject:        RE: CS>How to heat solution?

>My 1/2 g. pot is plastic, so I would need to create a double boiler to use 
>the thing over a flame.  It only takes about 10 minutes if you place the
>tank in a sink full of hot water.  The pain is having to watch it so you
>don't get it too hot, and then have to cool it.

Yes. The warm water bath is a pain but so is the long cooking
times of my DC setup!  I do want to get into HVAC but I'm getting
my feet wet with DC.    :  )

Your comment above about there being a downside to
heat. . . Do we have any quantification of this?  In other
words. .  . what would happen if I went ahead and kept
the water at boiling or just below?  Is there any
evidence that this hurts or help the CD process?

many thanx!

Steve King

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