I wrote a tutorial on some of it, I was going to put together an E_Book and never got it done. Orgonite has kept me very busy. But I can give you a list of the basis. On Google Street View, there is a tiny button at the bottom, you have to look really hard, and it says "Report Image", then you report it, say your privacy is being impeded, and they remove it. Usually they remove just your home, but you can still see your home from other angles, so you report those each separately, and they pull them too. Before you know it, half your street is pulled.

For the others, I'll dig up my list.. Hope I can find it. I take privacy very seriously, electronic stuff is just a trojan horse for ever increasing totalitarianism.

For example, one "Trick" they use is to get you to knowingly submit to your own data mining. Facebook(Fedbook) is a good example, it's really a front company for intel divisions to gather immense data on people. But never join shoppers clubs, discount clubs, shopper cards, any of this, it's all datamined and shared. Remember, nothing is free from corporate scums, if they give you 10% off your purchase for signing up for "Joe Smith Discount Club", what you are really doing is "Opting-In" to full monitoring of your purchases. Tivo for example, unless you call and demand an Opt-Out (All), they monitor every second of your TV usage, and then give this away to anyone they feel like. They don't tell you this, but I can show you how to find out from the Tivo screens if they are doing this - and they usually are.

Big brother is here, bigger than ever before. I hope people stop willingly giving out their lives to these corrupt fools. Implants? Already here. Heck, most people don't need implants, they carry around an implant already. (Cell phone)

WARNING Facebook

If you own a cell phone (and I do not), watch this video..

needling around wrote:
How do we go about doing this???

    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* bodhisattva <mailto:bodhisat...@mutemail.com>
    *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com <mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com>
    *Sent:* Wednesday, May 26, 2010 9:32 AM
    *Subject:* Re: CS>Google Launches Encrypted Search and also
    Encrypted Gmail Option

    I had all of the images of my place scrubbed from all of the
    engines.  I went through, 1 by 1, and had all of our personal
    data, phone numbers, and backgrounds scrubbed from all of the
    online services as well. Some of them require a notarized
    declaration to do this, others  you have to push through an
    attorney, but most are pretty easy.

    In my line of work, and my wifes, privacy is essential.  If you
    check my email headers, you'll find them blank. If you find my IP,
    it's not mine, it is mutated every few weeks to a different one
    (Millions of potentials), at a different geographical location. My
    connection is a 2048-Bit Encrypted tunnel and the key is re-keyed
    every few weeks. If you google search this email address you will
    find 3 link, and 2 of them are from Mikes Archives. In 6 months I
    won't have the same email address, it will be out of some tropical
    island or some such overseas server.

    These are all prudent precautions. Why make it easy for anyone?

    Jane MacRoss wrote:
    LOL - last time someone sent me a picture of my place it was
    either out of range OR the garbage bins were out the front!!!
Jane http://www.eamega.com/HighFieldHealth
    ~The Highest Field of Energy Healing you now!~

        ----- Original Message -----
        *From:* Rowena <mailto:new...@internode.on.net>
        *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com <mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com>
        *Sent:* Wednesday, May 26, 2010 5:03 PM
        *Subject:* Re: CS>Google Launches Encrypted Search and also
        Encrypted Gmail Option