$1 for 2 gm of Monkey Holding Peach (plus shipping if you can't find a friendly 
source locally) vs roughly $5 for 200 gm homemade. And you can adjust the 
amount of Camphor as desired. 

- Steve N 


From: bodhisattva <bodhisat...@mutemail.com> 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com> 
Sent: Tue Jun 01 18:46:17 2010
Subject: Re: CS>ya might wanna know.... 

Monkey Holding Peach is $1.00 per container though. So probably best to just 
buy it. If you can't get it for a buck a box locally, perhaps online.  Most 
people have never heard of this stuff, I've used it for years to great effect, 
and cured many people of this or that with it. It's also a great remedy for 
psychic attack, rub a bit on the attack spot, and it's repulsed.  Robert Bruce 
recommends Tiger Balm, which is good, monkey is stronger though.

Many sizes of the product available, I use the 2g and 4g sizes, as my local 
Asian market carries them by the hundreds. The guy gets real worried though, 
you got to tell him you are "Not FDA" to get them from under the counter.  This 
stuff is illegal to sell in the USA. But that's because IT WORKS and it is a 
medicine, and quite frankly, they don't want stuff that works in the hands of 
the public.

Methylsalicylate 3.0%
Camphor 22%
Menthol 19%
Eucalyptus Oil 3%
Cinnamon Oil 0.8%
Peppermint Oil 0.7%
Clove Oil 0.7%

Norton, Steve wrote: 

        Here is a possible cheap DIY version of Monkey Holding Peach. As far as
        I can find out the active ingredients of Monkey Holding Peach are:
        Camphor - 22%
        Menthol - 19%
        Methyl Salicylate - 3%
        Eucalyptus - 3%
        Mix together 1 package each of:
        Natureplex Muscle Rub (Ben Gay knockoff at dollar store)
        Methyl Salicylate - 15%
        Menthol - 1%
        Vaporizing Chest Rub (Vicks Vapo Rub knockoff at dollar store)
        Camphor - 4.7%
        Menthol - 1%
        Eucalyptus - 1%
        Heat in a double boiler and add Edible Camphor to get 22% Camphor.
        Edible Camphor is available at an Indian grocery. Here you get 3.5 oz of
        Camphor granules for $3.99.
        The resultant is not quite the same, roughly: 
        Camphor - 22%
        Menthol - 1%
        Methyl Salicylate - 7.5%
        Eucalyptus - 0.5%
         But it may be close enough.
         - Steve N
        -----Original Message-----
        From: bodhisattva [mailto:bodhisat...@mutemail.com] 
        Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 7:40 AM
        To: silver-list@eskimo.com
        Subject: Re: CS>ya might wanna know....
        Its the camphor in it that kills ticks, camphor is very potent. It used 
        to be, Vicks had a higher concentration of camphor, but the FDA got all 
        angry because it was curing stuff, so they limited any sale in the US to
        be 10% or less refined camphor.  The US version of Tiger Balm is very 
        poor quality, the one you get off Ebay from Thailand, now that's the 
        good stuff.  Around 20% camphor! 
        If you have an asian grocery store around, you can find "Monkey Holding 
        Peach" which is even more potent than any of them. It's purely 
        medicinal, and amazing.. Stops pains in seconds, stops headaches. I 
        think it is around 25% camphor, along with other good stuff in it. I 
        have a few satchels of it around here.
        Vicks today, is a distant cousin of the vastly more effective medicinal 
        Vicks from days past before the FDA tyranny.