Of course, anything really effective, not controllable by 'them', is quickly banned, restricted, or otherwise dis-info'd out of the way of American Citizens.

IF you know how to find stuff, and find the right people, and prove you aren't a gestapo-fed, you can still get all of this stuff. It's not illegal to own it, it's illegal to sell it - sometimes. As I noted, even the 'real' Tiger Balm isn't allowed to be sold OTC in this country. High percentage, colored iodine is, but if you know where to get it, it's not hard to find. Zicam Swabs were amazing for stopping a cold before they get going, too amazing, they had to shut that one down, but some of us had some foresight of that, and picked up a few years supply, which are priceless now. I love my local Monkey Holding Peach seller, he looks at you, then goes "No fed?", then pulls out the box.. LOL! I feel so sneaky buying it, gives me giggles.

Olive Gold 03 maker is basically underground, the stuff is amazing, and cures tons of stuff. But if you go to his website you find a single page, with a phone number, this is a guy that knows what reality is http://olivegold03.com/ . This guy isn't playing around, because he knows what's at stake, and knows how fast 'they' will try to discredit or shut him down. (Think Cansema, Reich, whatever) Only a couple people make really really effective negative ionizers, these things are amazingly beneficial, why only 2 people? The stuff sold at Walmart doesn't work, I've tested them, zero negative ions come off them. This is by design, they don't want people having this stuff I guess.

There's an entire underground network of people that have already cured this and that, and quietly share that data with others within the network, or new arrivals. Including sources of the things they need. Often for free, or very cheap, or for trade for something else. Sooner people en mass, figure out that we have a Nazi's in charge in this country, the better off we'll be. It could be changing, more people speaking out, sharing information, and less people having 'mysterious' accidents happen to them, probably too many waking up to be contained, and that's a good thing for humanity.

Norton, Steve wrote:

FYI, in the US, you cannot buy camphor oil. Camphor essential oil has almost no camphor in it. See:


" In 1980, the United States Food and Drug Administration set a limit of 11% allowable camphor in consumer products and totally banned products labeled as camphorated oil, camphor oil, camphor liniment, and camphorated liniment (except "white camphor essential oil", which contains no significant amount of camphor)."

 - Steve N

*From:* Garrick [mailto:zzen...@gmail.com]
*Sent:* Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:44 PM
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
*Subject:* Re: CS>ya might wanna know....

NOW foods has Camphor oil <http://www.google.com/products?hl=&q=now+camphor+oil&rlz=1B3GGLL_enUS358US358&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=CrQGTJSiAYKClAf46vjYCg&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=title&resnum=3&ved=0CD4QrQQwAg> xxxxx I will look in the local Indian store for camphor