Is the medical laser more powerful than the normal ones we use?  If so, 
wouldn't it cook the blood and skin?  Is it just one light?

I'm sorry you're heading for knee replacement, but I've never heard anyone say 
they were sorry they had it done (after a few months  lol.)  I had a partial 
done a bit over a year ago.  I had problems with tendonitis and bursitis which 
started ten weeks after surgery.  I found the BoneSmart forum a lifesaver.  
It's for people with hip or knee replacements.  A friendly, supportive place.  
When I had surgery, I took colloidal silver in a Dasani water bottle with my 
name on the cap and took a few swigs each day to prevent MRSA.


From: "" <>
Sent: Fri, June 11, 2010 1:54:04 PM
Subject: Re: CS>lazer

I am glad I bought my LLL back in about 1985 for 
$150.     My LLL was a 2 watt 904 nm infrared laser 
used for Lab purposes, not a medical laser, even then a medical laser version 
(Polaris) cost about $2000. I bought my lab laser from Information Unlimited, 
Amherst, NH. phone 8002211705. Dr Gordon even said it worked the same 
as his Polaris laser, and even said why not build your own as he knew I 
worked in Electronics. This unit would seal a cut with new skin in 30 
minutes. DR Gordon used the Polaris on his son after he had 
arthoscopic surgery on his knee cartilage while playing football at UCLA. 
One week after surgery he told his coach he was ready to play again. He made 
first team and got two rose bowl rings so it healed pretty well.
I might require a total knee replacement as the bone on bone is getting 
pain that keeps going even in bed. I used 4 bottles of CMO plus the amega 
wand and still can barely walk. I doubt that my DR will allow me to bring in my 
laser but I might bring the amega wand to the Hospital. When Gordon used 
the laser after knee surgery they had his Surgeon not cover the incision so 
the laser could directly reach the incision. From what I have read the amega 
wand reduces pain similar to the LLL .


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