In a message dated 6/11/2010 3:19:28 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Is the  medical laser more powerful than the normal ones we use?  If so, 
wouldn't  it cook the blood and sk

The Polaris medical laser was only 2 watts and was called a cold medical  
laser. I never felt any heat but when the beam hit a hurt spot I could then 
feel  it. I would hold the beam on the hurt spot until it stopped hurting. I 
like your  idea of the water bottle filled with EIS. I also thought of using 
saline bottles  filled with EIS. DR Gordon said he thought the Polaris's 
frequency  somehow took control of my immune system and had my internal army  
attract where the beam was.  It was like an army officer telling his men to  
go fight. It controlled my immune system and stopped healing after like 30  
minutes. I would have to wait a day to continue treatments. Healing then 
was  like stair steps, only so much each day. 
We guessed the healing, skin growing, pain relief, etc. had nearly nothing  
to do with heat but was from directing your own army where to go.