Prill Water is aggressive. From this it sounds like an energy channel was pushed open, and you felt it. That's a good think, your kidney probably flushed some toxins pretty quickly. So far, about 90% of the people I have tested prill water on have a reaction of some type or another. Some of them are huge skeptics, which tends to reinforce that this water is quite noticeable.

I've spoken with Blind Guru himself, in great detail, we share */many/* similar experiences with prill water. In fact, he has seen people detox so rapidly, that he recommends they stop drinking it until it settles down, then go back, and very slowly build up. So once again, a primary vendor of prill beads, and a guru, has similar results as I have had. I've also spoken with Guru on how the energy is being a bit soiled in postage, and methods they can implement to avoid this. He's working on a solution to this, and has verified my findings. That's all pretty affirmative if I must say.

I'm pretty cognivcent of my credibility, which is why I test and study things from both a material, and spiritual perspective before making any claims, and usually test them for months, even years before making any proclamations. Orgonite was something I constructed and tested for several years before deciding it had extremely positive benefits, and selling it. Negative Ionizers I have tested for just over a year, and know their benefits first hand. Prill Water is new, I won't be heavily advocating it until a few more months, although early results are encouraging.

M. G. Devour wrote:
I have to say this far, I have had none of the intense  reactions that
others have had

Hi Sandee,

Keep in mind who's reporting the reaction... <grin> Bodhi is so clear and sensitive, the stuff knocked him for a loop.

The most reaction I had was a strange set of nerve/muscle twinges up and down my right leg and up my back from the area of my right kidney. This happened just as I drank down my first glassful the second morning I'd been drinking the stuff. It was so sudden and intense my knee almost gave out.

Apart from that, I just find the stuff pleasantly refreshing. <grin>