I've been around Christians all my life and I have never heard one of them say "Gosh Bless you." I don't know where you get your information from but this isn't accurate from my experience.

----- Original Message ----- From: "bodhisattva" <bodhisat...@mutemail.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2010 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Magnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

Those that wish to experience limitation, will experience it. Those that wish to experience the miraculous, will experience that. Someone operating from a materialistic approach, will see everything, and everyone around them as materialistic, and thus, conforming to their beliefs. Someone seeing life from a magical perspective, sees the materialism in some people, and the magical in others. Someone from the miraculous, sees all three of these, all around them, depending on who they are dealing with. It has to be this way, so each person can experience based on their spiritual evolution, their consciousness. When one is ready for the miraculous, it will be revealed to them, but not before. It usually takes great suffering before someone operating from an egotistical, materialistic viewpoint of life will seek the miraculous, but it doesn't have to be this difficult.

Thankfully, we've got a way to quantify many things now, and when others quantify with the same results, without knowing other individuals answers, then we have a fairly good substantiation of the previously unquantifiable. So for example, if I take a bottle water, and ask 3 people to calibrate it, and they are located in different parts of the world, and their numbers are exactly the same, or extremely close, then we can best assume this situation is accurate. Fortunately, Marshall (and many others) have been able to verify my calibrations, so we don't really have a basis to 'doubt' at this point - regardless of attempts to instill that in us..

I have nothing I need to sell, or in fact worried about selling.. Most of what I do is free. God takes care of the rest, and thank God for that! My energy is sometimes too much for some, and I can appreciate that.. Some places, I will sit down, and a few minutes later some will get up and leave to sit elsewhere - and it's not my perfume.. I will enter a space, make it sacred, and some will flee to the door. My home is sacred, and I know many that will not enter it, similar to how many will not enter a church, a temple, or a monastery.. Some aren't ready for an awakening, and there is no problem with that. The fruit falls from the tree when it is ripe, not sooner. I have relatives that rarely speak to me in person, I send love, and compassion, they sound darkness, and anger. My vibration trumps theirs, they move off with angry looks, when you do not allow darkness to overrun you some become uncomfortable in their inability to draw energy from situations by creating chaos. I don't allow this to impede on me, they either rise up, or shuffle away. I don't dislike them for it, I just feel for their suffering and pain, and the trauma of them finding no answers in drugs and other things. The same goes for email. I've learned a long time ago to withdraw my energy from where is not appreciated.

You can always sort of tell a type of person, if in a conversation, "GOD" is mentioned, and they have this sort of 'horrified' or 'deflated balloon' look about them, you kind of know. I love saying "May God Bless You" when someone sneezes. I know Christians that say "Gosh Bless you", it's quite astounding that they themselves, are afraid to say "God" in public.. How far we've fallen as a society is shocking - at times.

On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Sandee George <oha...@juno.com <mailto:oha...@juno.com>> wrote:

    Hi There Dave thanks for yours, I appreciate your concern.   I
    choose to go along with whatever, until I find out for myself that
    it is "crap" as you put it.   Then I choose again.   On Planet
    earth - where duality reigns supreme -
    and choice is free, we can all think, feel, or do anything we
    choose because the choice has reprocussions/actions both for me
    the chooser; those who choose to put whatever they feel out there
    knowing it to be "crap" then they will get their due.   There is
    no right or wrong on this planet which is what most fail to
    understand, perception is everything, how I choose to see anything
    is my choice for which I have to take full responsibility,
    including the fallout.   So taking what you have said, if I choose
    to be fooled by anyone then the responsibility rests on me, no one
    else.   Within all of the above you apparently do not understand
    that what I choose to see is what I see, what I choose to work for
    me, will work - this is where spirit comes into all equations
    !!!!!   Which is why there is no one valid truth on Planet Earth,
    truth is what I choose to see, feel or deal with at my given time
    - however once again I thank you for your concern !!!!
    Be Blessed and have a wonderful day


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