Hi Bodhisattva:

Your remarks are (and quite classically) very prejudicial. Skeptics are not armchair philosophers. They are scientists, with a varying degree of skill, that are quite active in world of inquiry. Granted, there are many people who don't understand the term and claim to be one, but this is universal with any belief system.

The true skeptic ideology ignores belief altogether as absent of real existance. A belief is only a form of energy (a very feeble one, usually) and has only a fleeting connection with reality (objective or perceived). And while most ardent skeptics are very existential, they ***do not ever*** fall into the trap of discounting anecdotal evidence. This of course means that a good skeptic cannot afford an atheistic viewpoint any more than a good skeptic can afford a perspective of fervent religious faith.

This usually makes the true skeptic a highly successful, achieved, and qualified scientist. However, like most disciples of truth, finding a good practitioner can be extremely rare.


Most people of spiritual concerns are deeply resentful of skepticism. This is quite sad, as I was personally taught to apply this very buddhistic idea first and foremost with the mental and emotional realm as a part of a healthy spiritual discipline. Equally, however, people neglect to remember that the end result of inquiry is either a demonstration of fact or a lack of conclusion.

With most actual real spiritual pursuits, the act of inquiry will lead to a lack of conclusion... and yet, hopefully, the collection of useful data. A skeptic is ok with being left in doubt; a believer is usually NOT ok with that uncomfortable concept. However, there are times when skepticism has demonstrated beyond any possible doubt the reality of certain religious, spiritual and philisophical practices.

I could list some of the spiritual greats of world history (few of which have come from the English speaking world) that embrace the art of Inquiry (need I neglect to mention the Indian sage who perfect the art of Self Inqiry from atma-vicara?)... but someone else already did a good job with historic figures for me:


I actually view your weak and unsubstantiated (not to mention not very well thought out) negativity against the idea of the skeptic as an attack which needs a few moments of reasonable defense. While the off topic list is the perfect place for such things to be discussed, I think that THIS list needs to remain very open to inquiry and questioning and doubt... for the benefit of the people who do not believe as you do.

If you had stated that you are a Nazi and hate jews, you would have been banned from this list. However, it appears that other forms of prejudism are well tolerated.

Best Regards,


----- Original Message ----- From: "bodhisattva" <bodhisat...@mutemail.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: Skeptics was // Re: CS>Magnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

You put it directly, I said the same thing nicely. Basically, skeptics are 'dead energy', nothing moves either way, nothing happens.

Jane MacRoss wrote:
I have found skeptics to be basically fence sitters which means they are usually pains in the A*se whereas I walk a razor's edged path so it's my feet that are sore.


~The Highest Field of Energy Healing you now!~
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jason R Eaton" <resea...@silvermedicine.org>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Magnesium Oxide Prill Beads - 20 June

...wow, what great science.

Let's thus toss out electromagnetism, abstractionism, aphorism....

Actually, the word skepticism is a very revealing word with an interesting
history and word origin.

The word ism actually means doctrine, system, manner, condition, at and

The history of the word skeptic started with philosophy of the Pyrrho of
Elis, who fought dogmatism by showing reasons for doubting it, but which
today is the position that absolute knowledge is impossible but that science
can succeed with relative certainty.  The word comes from the latin word
scepticus and Greek skeptikos "skeptic" from skeptesthai "to examine
closely". This word comes from a the root, PIE *spek-/*spok- "look, see" (i.e. spectator, inspect, and even spice ). Spice via the French version of Latin species, which originally meant "kind, type", but later came to mean "wares" and then "spice". Finally, the [p] and [k] traded places in Greek (metathesis), where we find skopein "to see", like in some great words words
telescope, microscope, and the new (slang) verb to scope out.

Thus, the word skepticism literally can be translated to mean: To examine
closely in an orderly manner.

Nice word that.  In my experience, 9-10 People who don't like the word
skepticism or skeptics usually don't because the things they say fall apart
quickly under "close examination".

Your experience may be different though.

Best Regards,


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