Steve G,

    Agreed.  I have used MMS on several occasions with great success and no 
side effects whatsoever.  Also, Mr. Humble recommends only 2 or 3 drops, not 20 
or 30 or more as this article says.  Ridiculous.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Steve G 
  Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2010 10:13 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>FDA-Warns-Consumers-of-Serious-Harm

        In reference to the FDA scare warning at

        Let's see.  Thousands of people around the world take this stuff daily 
or weekly.   Thousands have been shown to be cured of malaria, HIV, AIDS, 
cancer, flu, colds, and many other illnesses.  Has helped some recover from 
lupus and/or diabetes.  Germs and viruses can't become immune to it.  No 
research has been done by any recognized research lab or by the FDA.  You can't 
patent the stuff so there is no way for the FDA or big pharmacy to make any 
money off this stuff.

        The worst side-effect anybody has gotten when following directions is 
mild nausea, occasional vomiting, and temporary diarrhea.  Guess how many 
people die each year from FDA approved prescription medication?

        And now the FDA wants to scare everyone away from it.  I figure so many 
people are turning to something that is cheap and works that it is having an 
impact on a profitable industry.   Jim Humble was smart to move to an 
undisclosed location outside of the US.
