No doubt, some supplements do contain questionable and possibly dangerous 
ingredients...properly made CS ain't one of those posing a problem 
however...unless you do something stupid like trying to live on it alone...or 
drinking gallons of it each day for long periods of time with reckless 

as usual....caveat emptor...

but so do some foods...most tap water...the air you breathe, depending on where 
you live...all pharmaceuticals...and a lot of other stuff...

That said, this certainly looks like part of a larger, decades long, smear 
campaign designed to prepare the way for more Codex Alimentarius 

slowly and methodically influence the public to be fearful and untrusting about 
any non-pharma health modalities/treatments... 

sway their opinion away from acceptance of all so-called "alternatives", which 
might otherwise impede their planned imposition of Big Brother guidelines....

"slow boiled frog" generation at a time...piece by 
piece...inch by inch...through the domination of all forms of manipulatable 
media....until one day...their objectives have been achieved...(insert 
here__________ what you believe those objectives are)

deception and persuasion are less bloody and much less obvious for the 
recipient than the use of force...better to deceive mankind than demand their 
obedience and make threats...

think of the devil (serpent) in the garden of Eden...he didn't even lift a 
finger (claw?) to bring about the fulfilment of his plans...he merely opened 
his mouth, uttering pure lies... Eve, and eventually Adam fell for it.... hook, 
line and sinker...

Keep your eyes wide aware...pass on your awareness to the next 
generation...their gonna need it!
