some people have reported a worsening of a  heart condition (which was in 
Humble's book as a caution). 

On Aug 1, 2010, at 12:13 PM, Steve G wrote:

> In reference to the FDA scare warning at 
> Let's see.  Thousands of people around the world take this stuff daily or 
> weekly.   Thousands have been shown to be cured of malaria, HIV, AIDS, 
> cancer, flu, colds, and many other illnesses.  Has helped some recover from 
> lupus and/or diabetes.  Germs and viruses can't become immune to it.  No 
> research has been done by any recognized research lab or by the FDA.  You 
> can't patent the stuff so there is no way for the FDA or big pharmacy to make 
> any money off this stuff.
> The worst side-effect anybody has gotten when following directions is mild 
> nausea, occasional vomiting, and temporary diarrhea.  Guess how many people 
> die each year from FDA approved prescription medication?
> And now the FDA wants to scare everyone away from it.  I figure so many 
> people are turning to something that is cheap and works that it is having an 
> impact on a profitable industry.   Jim Humble was smart to move to an 
> undisclosed location outside of the US.
> Typical.