The doc told the daughter if you can put a finger on the cyst and are able to 
move it around under the skin, then it's nothing related to cancer {no root or 
something}, it's only a cyst.

The following is not a testimonial or anything, just a curious observation in 
my daughters case.


She had this cyst on her head for several years, never bothered her but rather 
was a nuisance, and wasn't unduly concerned about it because of what the doc 
had said.  Whilst I was administering EIS to her for something else she told me 
that the cyst appeared to be becoming more pressurised on the scalp and was 
becoming a tad tender to pressure applied by the finger.  A week later she ran 
panicking to her sister {who lived next door} informing her that the cyst had 
burst, and as she expelled the fluid, a small 'sack' popped out through the 
opening in the scalp.  She almost died with fright as this 'alien' thing popped 
out {we laugh about it now, but was traumatic for her at the time}.


Since then everything has returned to normal, she had a hollow in the scalp for 
a while until everything 'healed?'.


Now, I'd love to be able to say the expulsion of the fluid...and the 'sack' 
shortly thereafter...was the result of the administration of EIS...but the 
simple truth is...I can't, but I noted it for future reference anyway just on 
the off chance that the EIS *MAY* have had something to do with the ultimate 
and complete removal of that cyst.


I was curious about the events then, and am still curious now, but the fact is, 
I have no way of knowing, so it remains a 'curiosity', or just plain 
coincidence praps, but *something* motivated that cyst to burst?  I just wish I 



Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2010 08:47:08 -0600
Subject: Re: CS>Thyroid help???

  Oops, I meant to say nodules. 
I too have cysts on my head and elsewhere, they are sebaceous cysts, 
nonmalignant globs of skin oils called sebum, which over time had built up and 
formed a bump because the follicle didn`t have an opening to the outside to let 
the sebum out. Easily removed. It`s a hereditary thing, my dad and my youngest 
son both had/have them.
  I did have a scan and a needle biopsy on my nodules. No cancer, so far...
Last night I ordered in an iodine preparation from the Global Healing Center 
(on the Internet) where I get my Calcium/Magnesium Orotate from, I hope that 
might help. I haven`t gotten the results back from my bloodwork yet, I hope to 
find out if my thyroid is working well or not.
Anyone else have nodules or other thyroid experiences? 