
Damn, I hate to get involved in commenting on commercially sold
colloidal silvers. It is a frustrating no-win proposition. Let me say
that I have no horse in this race. Personally I use several types of
colloidal silver that I make myself. I sell no colloidal silver or
related products. This will sound harsh, but I don't really care if you
take silver or what silver you use. Ode and some others are more patient
and giving than I am in their help because there are many sellers of
colloidal silver and there many misrepresentations of colloidal silver.
Especially by people selling colloidal silver trying to differentiate
THEIR CS from everyone else's. But I want to support Ode's comments.
There is so much misinformation on the Silver Sol site that it is hard
to decide where to start. Plus it is mixed in with good information that
muddles everything. Let's start with the following from the Guardian

"Guardian Silver works by four primary mechanisms: 

* The unique oxide coating of the elemental silver nano particle
ruptures the outer membrane of bacteria by removing an electron from the
cell wall, killing the bacteria on contact. 
* The silver nano particle emits a specific magnetic resonance-890-910
terahertz-which is selectively destructive to pathogens. 
* Supercharged silver sol particles magnetically interfere with the DNA
of viruses, rendering them inactive and unable to replicate. 
* The outer chemical structure of Guardian Silver effectively disrupts
the "communication" of intercellular activity."

Guardian Silver consists of primarily silver particles. All silver
particles work by releasing silver ions and it is the silver ions that
are anti-microbial. Silver ions are not released from pure silver. In
vivo, silver particles form silver oxide on its surface and it is the
silver oxide that releases silver ions and provide the anti-microbial
activity. Guardian Silver claims to pre-oxidize their silver particles
by adding hydrogen peroxide to their CS when making it. That is the sum
total of the uniqueness of their CS. There may be some benefit to
pre-oxidizing the silver particles vs waiting for it to happen in vivo.
Is it worth the cost? You will have to decide that. 
So the first and last bullets above apply to ALL colloidal silvers,
including ionic silvers. 

For the second bullet, replace the word  "magnetic" with "magic" in the
text and you have a more accurate and understandable representation.

For the third bullet, delete the word " magnetically" and you have a
statement that applies to all colloidal silvers, including ionic

I scanned through the technical data they provide and only have problems
with the papers they have generated. I don't have time to correct all
the misrepresentations but I would never do business with a company that
so misrepresents their product as they do. You ask for hard science to
rebut Silver Sol's claims but you start by accepting their crap data as
fact until proven otherwise. As I said, I don't care what you use.
Silver Sol is probably as good as any other particulate colloidal

 - Steve N

-----Original Message-----
From: Ode Coyote [mailto:odecoy...@windstream.net] 
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 4:25 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CS>pederson's silver

To unravel that mess would take a "tome"

And it might work just fine.
Better than dirt cheap easy to make Ionic Silver and colloidal
byproducts ?
Probably not.
Even if there is a difference, is it worth the price difference and an 
expensive dependency on a salesman that minces the facts into complete 

The most telling is the chart that lumps all colloidal silver forms in
ionic and claims that neither has a charge.
It just ain't so.

One flat out lie throws the whole speal into suspect land.

Consider an intriguing comparison of this new silver sol vs. colloidal 
silver9. While one colloidal silver product was found to inhibit the
of E. coli (bacteria that causes food poisoning, diarrhea, etc.) at 
concentrations of 1500 ppm, silver sol killed E. coli at a concentration
only 5 ppm. This makes the silver sol several hundred times more
than comparable colloid solutions.

## Ionic silver does it at as little as 3 parts per billion. [BYU study]

faster at 3 PPM..so just what is this "One Silver Product" that's so 
ineffective? ..a freekin chunk of SPOON ??
"colloid solution"  NOT.  It's either a colloidal suspension [by
of colloid]  or an ionic solution, or a mixture of both...two DIFFERENT 
things in the same container.

Besides...That's NOT a "comparable colloid solution" [ignoring the
of terms]...unless.. it would have done the same job at 3PPM and 1500
just overkill.
Is inhibit the same result as kill ?  E Coli has a short live span..if
inhibit growth, ie replication... it dies of old age in minutes with no 
babies.  Dead colony is dead individuals. Dead is dead.
I could go on for days about mis-directive use of language.
It's hard enough to accurately express something that's true.

"More doctors recommend this pill than all others combined"
No doctors in their right minds would recommend combining all other
pills !

Like...the Tower of Babble doesn't need DIFFERENT languages to be 
babble....language itself is enough to make nonsense with. [Our biggest 
barrier to communication, even when used honestly. ]

Guardian Silver is super-charged with 10,000 volts AC current versus the

110 volt DC current of typical colloidal silver preparations. The result
a vastly superior silver sol with distinct characteristics, including
catalytic properties helpful for antimicrobial use.

##  Voltage and current are different things, the statement mixes terms,

calls one thing the same as the other and makes no sense at all. [Either
idiot, or a liar..take your pick ]
"Typical" would be 27 volts and varying current..or a constant current
varying voltage.
I don't know of ANYONE that uses 120 VDC unless it's split over a series
several cells...meaning NOT... 120 VDC anywhere but at the power supply.
"Typical" would be 120 volts into a power supply , which has nothing to
with the actual generation of ions....and 6 to 36 volts DC out to the 
The only difference between 12 volts and 10,000 volts, given the same 
current, is the velocity of the ions.... and ions are ions are ions, are

defined by a specific charge by way of extra or missing electrons and 
cannot be "Super-charged" and still be that substance.
Atomic Electron Shell charge and electrical voltage charge, like in a 
capacitor, are not the same things.
Even if you could "Supercharge" a liquid, [and that charge not bleed off
transport] it would shock your mouth when you try to drink it as the
electrical charge potentials instantly equalize...gone before it ever
gets in.
The only reason to use 10,000 volts when using 60 Hz AC is to get the
moving fast enough to get far enough away from the electrodes so the 
polarity reversal doesn't just suck them back on.
10,000 volts AC at what Frequency????
It doesn't make any given ion different than the parameters that define 
what they are.
  A silver ion that's made with 10,000 volts is the exact same as one
with 1.2 volts.
If you drive a car at 5 MPH or 100 MPH, it's still the same car...it
turn into a high rise apartment building.

A lot of words, zero information and a whole bunch of misleading 
dis-information for the ignorant to sucker down.
My apple is better than your orange because those lemons are
they're all really made out of plaster.
Bullshit.  Plain and simple.

Is the "product" any good?
The shyster salesman sucks.


At 08:51 AM 8/18/2010 -0600, you wrote:
>Okay, Jim, Ode, now that you have weighed in with "intuition" and
>terms, lies, misdirection, purposeful confusion and plain old BS", how 
>about some hard science that might actually help unenlightened laymen?

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