Wow David, Welcome.  I'm not very active on here, but I can tell you that it IS 
a goldmine and not only that it is a gold, silver, MMS and virtually any 
alternative therapy that people care to share.. so you are at home here.

I am sorry for your challenges and admire your resolve to find a way to combat 
it... Bravo... I am with you in spirit.. and hoping you find some more help 
and more inspiration...

To reply you do just hit reply... although if you are replying to the digest, 
you might want to change the subject line to feature the post you are 
specifically replying to...

much love and wishes for your increasing good health
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From: David AuBuchon <>
Sent: Wed, August 25, 2010 11:02:23 PM
Subject: CS>My first post

Hi All,

I'm new to this list.  I've been following every CS group on yahoo, but they 
seem pretty dead!  This one looks like the goldmine I've been looking for!

I'm here to learn about all sorts of innumerable details of CS.  I am not "in 
the biz", but have not ruled out the possibility that some day I might be.  
Hence I want to learn, learn, learn.  

I have Lyme, bartonella, babesia, mycoplasma, candida, and I don't know what 
else.  A regular swamp.  I believe Lyme is minimal now and candida is 
essentially a non issue now.  Bartonella I think is the main enemy by far right 
now.  I have been sick since age 16, and just kind of lived with it until age 
22.  I couldn't live with it anymore.  It was do or die.  In what I now think 
was truly a race for my life, I finally got diagnosed with Lyme at age 23.  
Somehow I finished grad school.  I am now 25, and too sick to work.  I have a 
B.S. and M.S. in industrial engineering from a top university.  

I've done all sorts of crazy therapies.  The ones that have helped the most for 
my particular case:

1.  Coconut oil absolutely ransacked candida where as nystatin and diflucan had 
no apparent effect at all.

2.  Doug coil rife machine herxed and improved on Lyme frequencies and 
eventually stopped being effective.  Presumably because the other infections 
the bad guys left.

3.  Homemade ionic silver.  Sometimes as much as 32 oz a day.  Somewhat 
regularly for a few months.  Then it stopped being effective orally.  If I 
take it for 4 or 5 days, I feel some bugs "edging up".  I take CS, then it 
knocks that feeling out for 4 or 5 days.  I think I might slowly head backwards 
if I did not keep doing this with the CS.

In general, I tend not to respond to treatments.  I am the guy who wishes he 
could get something to make him herx, but just can't.

The latest development in my treatment:

IV silver nitrate

I have had two treatments so far.  First one have me a herx that was almost 
literally identical to flu.  Fever, chills, weakness, etc.  I have never in my 
life had a herx that felt like the immune system was actually doing its job!  
The second treatment was lower dose cuz I was scared after the first treatment. 
No flu symptoms but more "usual" herx symptoms (fatigue, depression, brain 
fog).  Round three is this friday!


p.s.  to reply to messages, do I just click "reply" to it when I get messages 
my gmail inbox?  I subscribed to the digest.