How would I use the litmus?  Set up the electrodes on me elsewhere and run
for how long and then test each site?  They don't run unless there is a
completed circuit unless that diode would override that somehow.


On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 6:22 AM, Ode Coyote <>wrote:

> At 07:17 PM 9/14/2010 -0500, you wrote:
>> I was wondering about "zapping" it somehow.  I do have a TENS machine on
>> hand.  If I could re-purpose that?
> Go to the "Shack" and get a 200 volt rated diode [about $1 ], put that in
> line with one of the electrode leads to convert "BiPhasic" [AC] to pulsed
> DC...adjust frequency  for pulse width current control and/or current level
> [intensity dial], for comfort and to prevent electro-chemical build up
> irritation and burns.
> You now have a pulse modulated Zapper.
> Use a strip of Litmus paper [pharmacy or science supply] to determine which
> electrode is producing the acid electro-chemical similar to MMS and which is
> basic.
> To kill germs, I'd put the acid [Hypochloruous acid..similar to MMS]
> producing electrode directly over the spot and the  base [Sodium Hydroxide]
> on the opposite side of the limb, if possible.
> Chemical buildup in the skin can be neutralized by switching the polarity
> of the electrodes.
> If you are brave, you can insert a needle probe right into the gland and
> more closely target the problem area a lot faster with less current.
> If it's a silver [or silver plated] probe or electrode, you make silver
> ions on site, which also kills germs. [If the acid side is positive....and I
> think it is.]
> If not drained, a localized internal infection probably will form a cyst as
> the body encapsulates what it can't eliminate.
> If it's close to the surface, soaking and "cupping" [making a vacuum in a
> cup by cooling hot air] will bring it to the surface where you can cut it
> open with a razor blade to empty it and pull the encapsulating sack out with
> tweezers.
> Ice does a pretty good job of numbing the area. [Or hit the street for some
> cocaine ? Common use before Novacaine...or Procain like in sunburn sprays. ]
> I've removed 2 encapsulated boils and a fatty cyst made around road rash
> gravel that way..had that road rash cyst for 25 years right where my belt
> would irritate it.
>  Doctor wanted $500 [back in the 80s ] to do what I did in ten minutes for
> nothing.
> I actually told him "For $500, I'll cut it out my own danged self !! "..he
> didn't say not, just looked at me SURE you will.
>  [And sent me a bill for $80 just to look at it for 1 minute...which I
> didn't pay..the turkey.  $10, I'da paid, even though that's $600 an
> hour...$900+ in todays money.  ]
>  Well, I DID...and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be...after
> the initial [hold your breath and JUST DO IT ] "slash".
> ..the rest was EASY and painless. [Minor Shock can be handy? ]
> I've been cut much worse before and no big deal...doing that to yourself,
> on purpose, is a touch weird.
> I can spell "hesitation" in all capitals. There are times when having a
> sadistic friend is a plus...or ex soldiers that got used to cutting people
> up?
> ..that's where I learned how.  A Nam combat Vet cupped and cut a boil out
> of my back in the parking lot of the motorcycle shop...learned it from the
> locals in Nam.
> People that jump out of perfectly good airplanes shouldn't have those
> problems.
> Ode
>  Open to ideas, as I said.  This is a first for me.  Once I got over being
>> freaked out I had developed some cancerous growth I calmed down enough to do
>> some research, but nothing is very helpful on alternative, natural remedies
>> other than sitz baths and that they seem to mostly recommend for cyst phase
>> - which I apparently skipped or never noticed - abscess phase does not sound
>> like it resolves on its own well.  :-(
>> On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 7:09 PM, needling around <<mailto:
>>>> wrote:
>> You are right, you do not have an STD.  But what you have is very painful.
>>  If the combined expertise of this list can come up with an alternative
>> treatment they will be helping womankind take a giant step forward.
>> I would research Ode's CS gel base and perhaps Renee's MMS and then the
>> many versions of a zapper to kill the pathogen.
>> Best of luck and please let us know what happens.
>> PT
>>  ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: <>jaxi
>>> To: <> ; <mailto:
>>> Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 7:50 PM
>>> Subject: CS>infected gland/cyst, ideas
>>> I have an infected gland in the genital area.  I have read what the
>>> medical establishment's solution would be - which would be to drain it, put
>>> in a catheter, possible antibiotics, possible surgical procedure to create a
>>> permanent opening for drainage ... none of this sounds very fun to me.
>>> You all have a lot on knowledge and info.  Any ideas on a dmso, CS, or
>>> other alternative method of addressing this?  I plan to do some baths/soaks,
>>> but no idea topically if anything might help.
>>> The gland is called the bartholin's gland - I currently have an abscess -
>>> as indicated by inflammation and rather significant pain.  I do NOT have an
>>> STD.
>>> Jaxi
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