Hi Tel,

You can get everything you need to make iodine on Ebay.



Here is a recipe for making 7% iodine from a poster on another forum.

1. I mixed 8.2 grams of potassium iodide with 80 ml of distilled water
2. I mixed 12.7 grams of iodine crystals with 80.8 ml of 95% ethanol (grain 

3. I mixed both solutions together using a wooden spoon in a glass container 
(with a glass lid and rubber seal)


--- On Tue, 10/5/10, Tel Tofflemire <telt...@yahoo.com> wrote:

The problem is you can not buy any of these ingredients except distilled water 
anymore.  Some un-professional's  have been letting drug dealers &  drug makers 
buy it and re-sell it in a meth form,,,& now you can only sell Lugol's by the
 OZ. or smaller. I am a dealer in Herbal supplies. I know the 
Tel TofflemireArizona