Your snipped quote: [...5ppm clear solution is better than 10ppm yellow.(I dont want yellow for internal consumption)] Have you a particular reason for saying this? A clear solution will be predominantly Ionic whereas a coloured solution will be higher in particulate content by ratio...there's a use for both. I know there's a lot of talk about clear vs yellow but after much reading I have found nothing which suggests that coloured poses any problem or issue used internally. Colour to me signifies a much higher *total* silver content that's all, which dictates to me how much to use/apply/ingest at any given time and for any given health or wound issue. I determine which solution to use based on the situation/circumstance. Colour can signify larger particles/particle clusters but that doesn't necessarily mean those particles are too large to be bioavailable. That may be a popular belief, but I personally don't subscribe to that belief from much literature I've read. It can also indicate *total* silver content whereby those particles/particle clusters which are present are *still* small enough to be bioavailable and efficacious {that can be argued I spose, but with someone else <g>}. However, it is of course a matter of personal opinion/belief. If my solutions remain clear, or coloured {depending on which way I parted my hair on the day}, are totally transparent, gravity fails to pull anything out of solution after days/weeks or months in storage, and there is no 'stuff' floating around or laying on the surface of my solutions, I conclude it's high quality and will remain that way indefinitely {as it should}. Any 'foreign' matter I may observe has not come from the water as a result of electrolysis, I've learnt it's more likely to come from fluff or 'stuff?' present in the DW itself, or minute fibres from the paper towel used when cleaning the electrodes during production process {or any number of ways}, and the silver sticks to that 'foreign matter' during the stirring process. Just my personal perspectives, observations and convictions on the various forms of EIS/CS...and I ain't got coloured nail moons/beds, or look like Mr smurf yet...and I have no inclination to knock on wood either <g>. N.
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2010 17:32:13 -0700 From: Subject: RE: CS>making first batch need input please/Final Results To: Yes I also noticed that over the last 20 min of cooking is when I could see the silver coming off of the rod in a cloudy milky way. My water was tap water(we get it in bottles) and I had double distilled it. THe pwt meter said .3 so it was far below 1. I will try again and not go for so long. I am sure 5ppm clear solution is better than 10ppm yellow.(I dont want yellow for internal consumption) Beth