I was so infuriated by what our government has done to these people.  We also 
cannot stock up ourselves due to the economy.  I was trying and trying to
think what might be helpful.  I hope you don't mind but I forwarded your email 
to Glen Beck.  His team investigates so much I thought just maybe he might
pick up the ball.

Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 20:33:32 -0500
Subject: CS>"CODEX" The first shot has been fired

I am both alarmed and furious at the story told to me this afternoon. It’s 
something everyone who depends on any kind of alternate health needs to know, 
and to spread around. Thus, I am posting this to many places and some of you 
may see this many times.
As a Certified Nutritionist I have the privilege of professional pricing with 
several companies, one of which I called today for my once a year order. Dew’s 
Twenty-first Century products is not that well known to the general public; 
I’ve only noticed some of their products being sold at Dr William Wong’s 
website, though there are sure to be some others. 
Jim Dews, a chemist, has formulated a superior line of nutritionals for decades 
in Mineral Wells, TX. He became known to a lot of the ‘lay public’ after the 
Biser brothers wrote several of their newsletters about him, circa the late 
70s-early 80s.  I “’believe”, but am not certain, that it was Jim Dews who 
formulated the original pancreatic enzymes that Dr William Kelley made so well 
known as part of his cancer cure.
For the first time, it was Mrs Dews who answered the phone when I called. When 
she realized she was talking to a health professional. The flood gates opened 
and she didn’t stop for over 20 minutes. The gov’t shut them down just 2 days 
ago. They had just mailed out a special sale flyer last week, to all their 
customers. She said it started at least a yr ago. She talked so fast and the 
story bounced back and forth so I’m not clear on all the details. They had 
received a notice that their business was being shut down, with no charge and 
no explanation.  Lawyers were paid for and the business remained open
I think the next charge was some claim of mislabeling. They hired a lawyer and 
Dews won that one. Then during the terrible winter rain/snow/ice they were 
cited and fined well over 100K for their septic field being flooded; never mind 
that so was eveyone else’s for miles, due to the weather conditions. They were 
told to shut down their business permanently. More legal costs.
The next “nuisance” is just off the wall. They were again fined some huge 
amount for having “wet trash” in their rest rooms, i,e, paper towels from hand 
drying and the other things that are not flushed with a septic system. She said 
they had a handyman who emptied the trash from a total of 20 employees, 4x 
during each working day. She said “try to find any restaurant that can manage 
that level of cleanliness”. 
But then came the “killer” notice. Jim Dews, age 75, was told that he was being 
forced into retirement and must shut the doors of his supplement business 
‘forever’. Yes, it’s illegal and unconstitutional (anyone remember that 
document in this “land of the free”?), but his lawyers gave him a ballpark 
estimate of what the probable 2 year fight would cost, and he just couldn’t do 
The excuse for the forced retirement was that at his age he might make a 
formulation mistake and put people in danger!
On this Monday, 2 days ago, they laid off all 20 employees and shut the factory 
doors. They had just put $180,000 into updating the factory. 
Anyone in the area of Mineral Wells? Watch and see if a pharmaceutical takes it 
Mrs. Dews told me they had 3 warehouses around the country and will sell off 
the products that are there, and that will be the end of the “Dews Twenty-First 
Century” label. Jim will continue his consulting with Texas A&M for awhile.
I WISH I had enough spare $ to stock up on so many of their products! I love, 
and depend on, their Vital Glands, for instance as well as many of their 
digestive aids. But it’s the shampoo, believe it or not, that I will miss the 
most. It’s the best shampoo I have ever used in my life!
Unfortunately this is not the whole story. She said they found out that *five* 
other supplement companies will soon also be put out of business, but she 
didn’t know which ones they were!
I don’t know if this is Codex Alimentarious sneaking in the back door, so to 
speak, or Big Pharma who wants us all dependent on them, or just plain old “Big 
Brother”. At this point I’m not sure it matters just “who” it is, but what is 
happening is HUGE and may be noticeable at a health store near you-------so to 
I don’t know what “we the people” can do about this and the similar events that 
are coming. Nor, do I know what good it might do to spread this all around. I 
can only hope that the more people know about this, the more ideas for stopping 
the spread of these shut downs might come forth.
Sadly reporting,