I almost never chime in on the questions, but I feel I must on this one.  As an 
RN,  I have seen many skin cancers 'removed',  " Got it all", [but not really]  
I also have a husband who has a Nordic background, and for the past twenty 
years, have been removing  skin cancers of various types with this black salve. 
IT WORKS.  When we were much younger, I let the MDs do the job with some 
after effects on occasion.  Use the black salve first, believe me..  If it 
fails, and I have never had it fail, it costs mighty little, and you can always 
go to the next step.  After the stuff has killed off the growth, if it is deep, 
you will have a pustule oozing, for a few days. There will be some redness, and 
burning, which only says that the stuff is killing out the growth Then is the 
time for the colloidal silver.  It simply dries up and sloughs off.  Don't 
and run to the MD when it starts  oozing pus.  That is simply the body getting 
rid of the dead cancer.  Go to the MD,  and .he will start gouging and do the 
steroid "healing" as well as his antibiotics.  Giving your poor body more 
problems.  And give you a song and dance about it being only  "topical."
  Hope this helps...Jimmie

From: Tel Tofflemire <telt...@yahoo.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 5:11:30 PM
Subject: CS>Black Salve & skin cancer cure

You should consider Black Salve, many on this list have used it and it does get 
rid of Skin Cancer for nearly everyone.
 Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

From: A. Reid Harvey <reidhar...@hotmail.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 9:57:24 AM
Subject: CS>CS and skin cancer

PLEASE don't act as if this request for observations is too much out of left 
field!  On occasion I believe that skin cancer is showing up, on my left 
forearm, where I was frequently sunburned, when I was a lot younger. In an 
attempt at a remedy for this I've saturated a gauze pad with *concentrated 
colloidal silver,* then taped this down, over the effected area. The skin 
cancer, as I believe it to be, manifests itself as black marks, and these go 
away overnight, after I tape down the CS gauze pads.
The *concentrated CS* has been either the Mexican made product Microdyn or the 
U.S. product Silverdyne, and I have an idea that this is actually some sort of 
silver nitrate. Clearly CS is more like 10ppm and is ionic. But the 
CS is silver, after all, and the markings *do go away.* They always go away 
I use the pads and they tend not to go away when I do not use the pads. A 
has told me that there is no indication of a remedy in this, but I'm eager to 
know what silver-list members think.
Reid Harvey