Not sure what you're all on about so I'll just butt in here with my two bobs 
worth, if I'm off track just hit the delete button.
I spoke with a water treatment bloke many moons ago about DW and EIS/CS that I 
make and ingest and he told me one can't drink DW as one would drink ordinary 
water...because it lacks minerals etc it will leach them from the body, 
eventually one will feel decidedly unwell.  Not a problem in what I do with DW, 
only if one drinks it as they would, or instead of, ordinary water.
Again, if this is not relevant to what you're all on about, then ignore it.

Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 08:19:57 -0800
Subject: CS>Distilled Water....MORE Toxic than Municipal Tap Water?!

I appreciate the feedback about Mercola.

With regard to my original question though, does anyone have any input/science 
regarding any danger with distilled water as Mercola outlines it?...any 
veracity, do you think, to his article? Possibly in large quantities, for 
someone using DW to hydrate and nothing much else...but for our purposes, I 
kind of doubt it.

Have a happy, 

--- On Sat, 12/18/10, j petras <> wrote:

From: j petras <>
Subject: Distilled Water....MORE Toxic than Municipal Tap Water?!
Date: Saturday, December 18, 2010, 9:02 AM

I'm forwarding this provocative article for feedback.

I found the article of particular interest for those of us who make our own CS 
from distilled water...from any source.

A total dissolved PM reading, on a  PPM scale may not indicate any VOCs or DBPs 
as the article states (which are dangerous at PPB levels). But, then, we're not 
typically swigging glassfulls of CS a day either.

Any thoughts? thanks, and have a happy!!