At 10:20 AM 1/18/2011 -0800, you wrote:
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

 The caster of stones defines stone.
He who sees symbol is the one that places meaning upon it according to HIS mind set. An accusation [of hate, for instance] is a reflection being projected for validation as an attempted self validating feedback loop.

If you live in glass houses with fist fulls of rocks, be aware that windows have reflections that look like there's something outside that's actually inside. I go with whatever makes the most logical sense that correlates with observed activity and events, not so much who presents it, or how.

If confronted with nothing but octopi, I think the one with only 8 tentacles is more believable than the one with 156 tentacles loaded with suckers and tied up in knots of denial, projection and misdirection. Neither is absolute truth. Both share one aspect of staying alive that everyone else shares as well...the beak.

Look at who points the most fingers away from arm vs who may exaggerate the definitions of hand. Emotional Nonsense is self canceling through out. Balance the competing equations.
 Count, not the differences, but what is in common.

Everyone engages in's almost impossible not to...but some know what it looks like.

We can discuss whos yer friend and whos the pretender and at what point they merged and why on the OT list. But, of course, denial of denial is impenetrable with reason and fact until reality becomes undeniable.... and if experience of that will out, for most, death comes first. [With 2 very close dead friends to testify to the mechanics]

It doesn't matter what nose gets cut off what face for whatever promoted reason by who .....when there's no head...or..a functional body that's not a cannibal eating its own feet to hold one up.

What IS working does it without promotion from any side. It is very quiet.
 I've not seen much that is, lately.
The *total noise* itself , from ALL an indicator of distraction.
Go to the super market and jot down a list of prices every month for the next year and compare that to the raises you received or the job you don't have. Had you started that last year, you'd have a valid question to quantify with personally observable evidence beyond the noise. Income has not gone up at the same rate as inflation in terms of value since at least the 70s and the divergence is headed for exponential along with every chart you care to look at.
Debt has been making up the difference, till very soon now.
 *Is* beats *who/why* [Hooey] every time.

OK Blind sided believer...
 Are you ready for the end of faith?

ALL the Gods were made false and by who or how makes no difference at all.
 "Should" doesn't count for anything in the face of "can't".

As for business, I'm already selling at or below rising replacement costs...I'll be out of business soon enough and have time to tend the garden.
Nothing lasts forever...including me.
I fully expect to join my friends within 5 or so years.

But then, it seems I experience a totally unpredictable miracle every +/- ten years as previous ways and means suddenly evaporate...this is my 4th cycle going into the 5th.

ANYTHING that can happen can happen...but look around. There are some things that can' your way out of debt...or giving something you don't have no matter how much you deny it's gone.


The Koch brothers and Rupert Murdoch are bankrolling the whole right-wing machine and throwing up roadblocks to everything the Clinton and Obama administrations have done or tried to do whether is benefits Americans or not. Kind of like cutting your nose off to spite your face. In that regard the Koch brothers are referred to as Kochtopus.

To deny they do not ALL work under the radar and work for Big Pharma is to bury your head in the sand. There is plenty of info out there about the Koch brothers, Rupert Murdoch, and the Cato Institute but I'm banking on you being intelligent enough to already know that.

It's terrible what is being done about colloidal silver but those of us who make their own have nothing to worry about and it will no doubt help your business.


--- On Tue, 1/18/11, Ode Coyote <> wrote:

From: Ode Coyote <>
Subject: Re: CS>"Trusted Activist Groups" try to Regulate SILVER as a pesticide
Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2011, 4:34 AM

  Tides Foundation pops up again.

Soros, ACORN, the stimulus bill, Obamacare..Gore, Clintons, Chicago Climate
Exchange you name it ....webs of connections connected to connections
"raking it in" and deflecting attention by pointing at Wall St, also raking
it rank amateurs.

"Trusted Activist Groups"  tools of manipulators.


At 07:36 PM 1/17/2011 -0700, you wrote:

>Sobering. Feel free to forward.
><<> re-5016>

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