Silver has been making big big [not quite HUGE yet] inroads into the mainstream pharm as they hash out ways to use and formulate it that you aren't supposed to be able to. The silver ion washing machine rinse cycle has raised some environmental concerns the establishment isn't funded to study..and/or..may make it glaringly apparent that you CAN do things for your self if it did. Where it comes to wash rinse cycle discharge into closed water treatment systems that depend on microbes, the concerns are valid..but catch 22..public investigation revealed also reveals how easy it is to make silver ions to be used in a manner that doesn't put them into closed cycle treatment systems and makes the Pharm less useful.

"Trusted Activist Groups" are on the establishments side, pretending to not be. Activists traditionally don't think very deeply into grey water's all "black or white" regardless of application.

They don't even know they are pretending now that we have a "Trusted Activist Government" that so easily uses and manipulates "Trusted Activist Groups"

They are using tons of poison grapefruit laundry being potentially discharged to make a couple of raisins you ate look dangerous. It's about maintaining dependency on a purposely crashing system with misplaced unexamined fear. "Distraction and misdirection" ..never mind what we're doing, go get THEM. [ Who is anyone but us....and we'll supply the bus and mass produced signage for your prefabricated organized conmunity anger ....along with lunch]

In an atmosphere of growing public mistrust of the *establishment answer system* and looming crash of the health care system [and all entitlements with it], a revelation could make silver prices soar even as JP Morgan/Chase are "rumored" to be manipulating the market to keep the prices down by selling shares in silver they don't have.

..As when American Biotech announced a big CS contract with the military several years ago [ 3 million quarts of CS ?? ], the stock of Clifton mining took a big leap up until people figured out that the contract would only use around 20 pounds of silver. If people suddenly demand physical silver for those shares, it all comes apart. You can't make CS with a piece of paper.

Regardless of the reason behind it...or more importantly *lack of reason* ...creating a mega pound run when a few ounces would do... a big spike in the silver price makes a doomed fiat monetary policy look worse, even more so than the embarrassing rise in gold. The US Mint is required by law to mint enough silver bullion coins to meet public demand...a goal it has not been able to reach for most of last year for lack of materials. [and may have reached it only by being in cahoots with the "rumored" JPM/BS shorts [being in the same pair of pants as Obama these days, beyond mere pockets ?], making that situation far worse ]

US Mint Perception manipulation: We failed to satisfy the law for 9 months, then made an effort for the last 3 months so you won't look back at the 9 we didn't. But, if the first 9 weren't possible, what made the last 3 possible even as supply gets even tighter than the previous 9? [Smelly little rat picking Peters pocket even MORE... to fill Pauls pocket with nothing but an appearance of a bulge? ]

BTW Goldman Sachs/AIG is tangled up in there someplace too. *Wicked* convoluted back door dealings. [Complexity is a thieves best tool as a hopelessly boggled mind just stops minding and starts hoping. At least we can kill a rabbit for dinner with the change and a sling shot ]

Threats are relative and not always based on reality and reason, even less so when in Whack-a-Mole panic button times as EVERYBODY knows they are about to be SCREWED, but 90% are still in uneasy denial trying to manipulate complete nonsense into something reasonable to cling to so they don't just shoot themselves in the head and be done with it. [A mental phenomenon defined as "hope" that lives WON'T change when everything else DOES ....or already has.]

J.P. Morgan is already under investigation by the CFTC for manipulating the silver market. The investigation into the bank can be traced back to November 2009,SFGate reports, when London metals trader and whistleblower Andrew Maguire contacted the CFTC to report market manipulation prior to it actually occurring.

[ I think the original *whistle* figure was 130 million, not 3.3 billion ounces... "journalism" ??] ..a bit closer to the rumor mill origins.

iShares Silver Trust (ETF)

(Public, NYSE:SLV)
The activities of the Trust are limited to issuing Baskets of iShares in exchange for the silver deposited with the Custodian as consideration, selling silver as necessary to cover the Sponsors fee, Trust expenses not assumed by the Sponsor and other liabilities, and delivering silver in exchange for Baskets of iShares surrendered for redemption. The sponsor of the Trust is BlackRock Asset Management International Inc. (the Sponsor). The trustee of the Trust is The Bank of New York Mellon (the Trustee) and the custodian is JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A., London branch (the Custodian).'s the custodian that reports how much silver they actually have to the Trustee and Sponsor. [??]

The story goes that Bear Stearns in an effort to stay solvent sold silver shares for mostly fantasy stockpiles, then JP Morgan/ Chase inherited the shortage [surprise !!] when it bought out Bear Stearns with TARP funds and continued the scam, both to pay back TARP and make the FED look better as it runs the printing presses faster than even IT says it is...and not admit that it had bought a "a rat posing as a pig in a poke" to shareholders. A huge chunk of the TARP payment went to London for some reason...where the supposed silver "is" [out of CFTC jurisdiction?]

If you listen to that lunatic Lyndon LaRouche , the London banks have been screwing with money metals for well over a century...they would know how, if true...ey? In that context, I think the LaRouche "Return of the British Empire" concept is about as likely as "The South Will Rise Again" Confederacy idea....but then... Texas and S Carolina are up to "something" these days and the United Soviet States Of America is looking a little less far fetched.

LOL Back in Biblical times, a Shepherds favorite instrument was the liar. [The sheep always seem to wind up protected into Mutton...after being "fleeced" a few times...for wool to pull over eyes.]
Dance to the music.
Sheeple on the march led from the hindmost sheep weasel in wolves clothing with a speech impediment? [Baaaah--ark]


05:13 AM 1/18/2011 -0800, you wrote:

I find this amazing. Not about Soros and his tentacles but rather colloidal silver being that big of a threat.

Are there really that many people using it? Or do they realize it's a threat and want to nip it now while they have friends in the administration?

Thank you so much for this information.


"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."

~ Thomas Jefferson

From: Ode Coyote <>
Sent: Tue, January 18, 2011 5:34:06 AM
Subject: Re: CS>"Trusted Activist Groups" try to Regulate SILVER as a pesticide

  Tides Foundation pops up again.

Soros, ACORN, the stimulus bill, Obamacare..Gore, Clintons, Chicago Climate
Exchange you name it ....webs of connections connected to connections
"raking it in" and deflecting attention by pointing at Wall St, also raking
it rank amateurs.

"Trusted Activist Groups"  tools of manipulators.


At 07:36 PM 1/17/2011 -0700, you wrote:

>Sobering. Feel free to forward.
><<> e-5016>

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