HI my name is Leanne;
Recently started taking ICS for LYme for myself and son..seemed to be going 
real well..till I had a body puff reaction at 5 tsp/4 times a day..over 3 week 
period of increasing. ..off now 2 weeks or so..puff still present in torso and 
looks like edema around sock on leg..worse in eve , and if injest salt? note I 
am pretty thin so this is odd for me...wondering if it is toxic hard to 
process, probs processing with kidney, liver or adrenal.  PLease,  any history 
of weight gain, same issues, detox what to do with keeping body coping with 
toxins, do Lyme give off fluid??  I was feeling ok..my son seemed to be doing 
great..although now either gained weight or has same issue as me. in such a 
short period of time..also our metabolism has slowed to a halt...again I was 
always fast metabolism..any help appreciated...not sure where else to turn..I 
was hopeful this was a viable tratment..but with what happen..I need some 
explanation and assist..thanks.