Hi Dave,
Don't mind me hyjacking the Lyme thing for a quick personal comment.
Now THAT was worthwhile, and USEFUL, information, very good.
The only thing that's missing is the perported ppm of the two bottles you 
purchased?  And maybe the colour of solution too?
And praps the ppm of the stuff you were making with your machine?  And the 
colour of that as well?
Don't mind me picking the bones out of what you said, just using it for 
personal reasons and informative value.
And that 'maintenance' dose would have been that 2-4-6ozs...Yes/No?
And if you were consuming it immediately after you produced it - and the rest 
over the next 3 days - then you would have consumed predominantly positively 
charged silver ions  would you not? as the solution was stabilising over the 
following days {and praps had *still* had not reached a point of stability, 
increasing the time span of + charged ion intake}.  THAT is part of the 
'useful' information for me.
P.S.  And I too support that notion of a 'couple of teaspoons' not being worth 
a dollop of goat poop, for the treatment of something worthy of attack on a 
larger scale <g>.

Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2011 15:50:38 -0800
Subject: Re: CS>new..Hello
From: davedar...@gmail.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

 I just poured a small glass about half full--somewhere between 2 and 4 oz. 
sometimes 6.
When I first started I drank two pint bottles that I bought (chuged) then my 
first generator arrived and I made a Gallon and took about 4 ounces every 
waking twenty minutes for three days and that took care of the Lyme. Then I 
went on the maintenance dose above for ten years and had not another episode 
contributory to Lyme. A good deal of that time I drank Cs for water and 
eventually started to get a little gray in the face.(argeria) Dave