

I had severe eczema, three times, as a baby, as a teen, and in my mid 20s.
In my 20s, someone told me to take Lecithiin for the eczema, and I did and
it work beautifully within a couple of weeks.  When my elderly grandmother
got a bad case of psoriasis, I gave her a bottle of lecithin and it worked
well for her too, but took a bit longer.  She took two caps of lecithin
three times a day along with a Vitamin E capsule.  In about a month it
looked great.


Lecithin is cheap and keeps things moist from the inside out, amongst other
great benefits.  It certainly is worth trying.




From: Guyot Léna [mailto:drumr...@stny.rr.com] 
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 2:39 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>psoriasis


Hi Bob,

Yes, I did, and because it was suggested for psoriasis. Unfortunately,
within a week I suddenly had outbreaks on my face, which I'd never had
before in 20 years! I stuck it out for a couple months, with the patches
spreading steadily, and then another person mentioned that LDN had done that
with him as well, and I finally gave it up.

My new regime is very slowly shrinking these back, though, to my great

Everyone is different, which I always mention whenever I speak of anything
that's worked for me, as I know it may not for others; and in some cases,
may even make things worse.


Thanks anyway,

Be well,


On May 8, 2011, at 2:26 PM, bob Larson wrote: