This is wonderful news, Mike. May he continue to improve and astound his doctors!

On another list I belong to there was a discussion of about using lecithin to clean out arteries with the caveat that for someone with heart disease they *must* first strengthen their blood vessel walls. The theory is that the cholesterol occlusions are patches the body lays down to strengthen a blood vessel that is weak. If the patch is removed the concern is the blood vessel could rupture.

I hope you are enjoying this time with your brother.

----- Original Message ----- From: "M. G. Devour" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2011 12:49 AM
Subject: CS>Thank you...

Hi everyone,

Thank you to all for your prayers and good wishes for my brother, et.

He came through the procedure well. The doctor was able to place a
stent in the biggest of the three occluded grafts, which, combined with
the other successful graft, has restored more than 50% circulation to
the heart. He will go back for additional stents to be inserted in one
or both the remaining grafts after he's had a month for his kidneys to
recover from the iodine (dye) they inject to visualize the arteries,
and to otherwise recover his strength and heal.

He's home now and bouncing back much more quickly than he did from the
initial bypass surgery. I've been preparing his meals and making sure
he gets his various meds, though at the rate he's improving I expect
him to take over much of this relatively soon.

He saw his surgeon today and got good marks for the healing of his
incisions. They are giving him much less pain and discomfort,

Now, how can he actually clean out his arteries and prevent a
recurrence of this nonsense? He's been using the Pauling protocol for
several years, and though it maybe slowed things down, it certainly
didn't fix it all.

Again, thank you everyone. That procedure had to go well or things
could have gone downhill rapidly. It was comforting to know you were
with us.


Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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