I think a very strong tincture can be made too (as opposed to using the





From: Neville Munn [mailto:one.red...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2011 1:38 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>Thank you...


Popular belief is cayenne pepper supposedly keeps arteries clear and
maintains good circulation.
How much, in how much water, is open to researching for individuals
Information I've read over time suggests a tablespoon per 8 ounces of water
for immediate use, or a teaspoon for every day consumption {don't know in
how much water tho}.  Has to be drank in one sitting, and as quick as
comfortable for it to be paletable.
I don't have a need to drink it - yet - but if I did have, or may develop a
circulatory problem sometime in the future, this is what I intend doing.
I'm not into alternatives, herbs, home remedies or supplements and whatever
else, {outside of silver}, but this one I believe may work, just don't ask
me why <g>.
I have my own belief that EIS may do similar, because the particles are not
spherical but more irregularly shaped.  This could be argued I spose, and
most likely will be, but it's my belief.  I'll let you know in another 10
years or so, that should be time enough for my body to be well on the way to
self destruction, considering I've been a smoker for over forty five years.
Could be useless info, but thought I'd throw it in the ring anyway Mike.
> From: mdev...@eskimo.com
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Date: Wed, 11 May 2011 23:49:29 -0500
> Subject: CS>Thank you...
> Hi everyone,
> Thank you to all for your prayers and good wishes for my brother, et. 
> al. 
> He came through the procedure well. The doctor was able to place a 
> stent in the biggest of the three occluded grafts, which, combined with 
> the other successful graft, has restored more than 50% circulation to 
> the heart. He will go back for additional stents to be inserted in one 
> or both the remaining grafts after he's had a month for his kidneys to 
> recover from the iodine (dye) they inject to visualize the arteries, 
> and to otherwise recover his strength and heal.
> He's home now and bouncing back much more quickly than he did from the 
> initial bypass surgery. I've been preparing his meals and making sure 
> he gets his various meds, though at the rate he's improving I expect 
> him to take over much of this relatively soon.
> He saw his surgeon today and got good marks for the healing of his 
> incisions. They are giving him much less pain and discomfort, 
> thankfully.
> Now, how can he actually clean out his arteries and prevent a 
> recurrence of this nonsense? He's been using the Pauling protocol for 
> several years, and though it maybe slowed things down, it certainly 
> didn't fix it all.
> Again, thank you everyone. That procedure had to go well or things 
> could have gone downhill rapidly. It was comforting to know you were 
> with us.
> Peace,
> Mike D.