In a message dated 8/13/2011 4:44:23 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Hi,  everyone.   I am brand new to this site.  I have been dx  with
> breast cancer and want to use colloidal silver with my  protocol.  I
> have used silver, off & on for years but I can't  afford the 'good
> stuff' in the quantities I will need to fight this  beast.  So...
> thought I would look into making my own.  I am  not too mechanical or
> electrical-minded and would like to know if  there are good relatively
> inexpensive units that can be purchased out  there.  Also, a good
> reputable source for the silver wire.   I just purchased a book
> explaining how to build one of these  machines.. lost me after the
> alligator  What is the  best way to store the silver after
> mfg?  Thank you all for any  info you care to share.   Lola

Hi Lola, Welcome to the group.. I'm sure the folks here will get you set  
with the making of CS.. I started out using 4-- 9 volt batteries -- a multi  
meter & silver wire. I think it all cost me about $ 20.00.. I now have a  
Silver Puppy from Ode & really like it... I use a set up to make a gallon at  
a time from ..._ ( ...)  
 I have Ovarian cancer & my kids & I have done loads of  research. Here are 
a couple sites to check out---
1. _Christian Brothers Jason Vale  Apricots from God_ 
(  & --_FlaxSeedOil2  : sign in_ 
  .Have other info if you 
would like to contact me personally please  do...Lois