My personal Daily eyedrop formula is exactly that;

MSM dissolved to saturation IN 1 oz of colloidal silver,
approx 15 drops of Shultzes Eyebright with cayenne formula,
tsp DMSO

Been using this for several years.
My ophthalmologist is baffled that a slight cataract has never

Preliminary operational tests were inconclusive
 (the damn thing blew up)

On 9/9/2011 11:59:27 AM, Marshall ( wrote:
> I really have no experience on this specific topic, and thus cannot really
> provide any scientifically experience grounded advise.  However I am
> reluctant to put EIS or CS in the eye over the long term. Although
> unlikely to produce any argyria, if it did, the effect on the vision could
> be so severe that I would only use it occasionally personally for things
> like pink eye or a sty.
> Marshall
> On 9/9/2011 11:34 AM, Sandee George wrote: Hi There Marshall - I have been
> mixing the above with MSM and having no problems - however I  would like
> to get your opinion about changing from MSM to EIS - do you see a problem
> in doing this ? Thanks in advance
> Sandee
> Attitude is everything !!

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