Intracellular infection?
I believe Salmonella falls into this catagory.
There are apparently many forms of Salmonella, and typhoid fever seemingly is 
the most severe form.
The food poisoning Salmonella of which I have treated myself for began as 
chronic stomack pains {presumably gas} and diarrhea {two visits to the loo in 
fairly quick succession}. 
The consumption of a glass {250ml} in one sitting of *freshly* produced EIS/CS 
stopped it within a matter of a few hours.
The solution will be at its peak of Ag+ ions and highest Ph or alkalinity value 
immediately upon cessation of the brewing process, which is when I consumed it.
One sample I had tested 24 hours after production returned a Ph or alkalinity 
value exceeding 9.4, what it would have been *immediately* after cessation of 
the brewing process I don't know, but can only assume in all probability it 
would have been higher.
It's this type of self medication for various conditions which gives me ground 
for my opinions on particular aspects in the use of EIS/CS.
In this case I believe *freshly* produced EIS/CS with its high Ag+ ion content 
and *possibly?* the high Ph value contributed to the rapid recovery. FWIW.  
Don't ask me why I believe this, I just do, I'll leave the science to the 
professionals and the biologists.

Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2011 19:48:49 -0700
Subject: Re: CS>spectrographs of CS

Hi Mike and All,

Does 26 PPB upper bound relate to free silver ions or silver chloride?  In 
either case, oral ingestion of EIS leads to most of it being absorbed i.e. 
Altman study.  But over what time frame I dont know.  But perhaps a high 
concentration of silver chloride in the blood could exert antimicrobial 
properties that exceed that of only 26 PPB free silver ions?  If that were the 
case, then the immune system would not necessarily be the missing factor in 

One thing worth asking is if anyone on this forum knows of anyone who has 
successfully treated a solely, not just partially, intracellular infection?  
That would shed light on this also.  Of course, I cannot actually name a solely 
intracellular infection either...

Regarding oral EIS, would chasing it with a pure regimen of larger doses of 
peroxide provide additional benefit than simply adding a small amount of 
peroxide to EIS?

Perhaps inadequate concentration of intracellular silver chloride may be one 
reason for peaking on oral EIS improvement. 

General question...why do bugs in vitro or otherwise need a minimum 
concentration to die?  I guess getting shot with 1 BB gun continuously gives 
bugs enough time to patch up their wounds, whereas getting shot with 50 BB guns 
does not?

Regarding silver cell...perhaps a continous all day long sublingual supply of 
free silver ions could provide far more stem cell related results than anything 

And last, one bizzare idea just for kicks...set a silver ``trap``.  Somehow 
intentionally cause accumulation of metallic silver of silver compounds 
intracellulary...perhaps with liposomes...then spring the trap with 
peroxide...perhaps with liposomal vitamin C which I guess would create 
intracellular peroxide.  Result...a huge burst of silver ions for a short time?
