Very interesting reading.  I suffer from damage to my lingual nerve from an 
injection of articaine (Septocaine) used as an anesthetic for a dental 
procedure.  This occured in July 07.  I am now 90% improved.  Two things that 
helped me the most were cannabis (it is actually neurogenic over time) and a 
supplement called SupremeB with a small amount of lithium orotate in it.  That 
gave me the most relief.  Also of help was rubbing very hot cayenne pepper into 
my tongue... it burned like heck but after that wore off it gave me relief from 
the burning sensation in my tongue.  I no longer have to use that, nor do I 
smoke week any longer.  I might try chitosan and see if it gives me that last 
10% improvement I'm looking for.  

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jason R Eaton 
  Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 6:20 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Electromedicine

  Hi David:

  I have a rebuilder; I bought it before they received their approval, so the 
price was much more affordable.  :o)

  It is an excellent device, and certainly works well for injuries and 
nueropathy.  I was suprised to find that it is is perfect to use with referred 
pain; possibly even phantom pain.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: David AuBuchon 
    Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 18:15
    Subject: Re: CS>Electromedicine

    Here is the article I wrote on nerve damage and spinal cord injury 
treatment options.  It contains everything I know (or don't know) about the 
ReBuilder, and a lot more:

    I had been compiling all this for my dad who has a chronic spinal cord 
injury and is so skeptical it makes one feel sick.  Even he has agreed to try 
some of this stuff in the future after getting berated by me over the course of 
months for his close mindedness / stinginess.  I kept telling him to either try 
this stuff or stop complaining you wish there was something that can be done.  

    Some of these can be generically classified as "stem cell boosters".  I 
have been meaning to pull all out those out of this webpage and make a page 
just about stem cell boosters.  I think many supplements that we don't formally 
recognize as stem cell boosters in part work that way.  I think it is a 
mechanism of action that is really only starting to be talked about.  

    The CEO of Rebuilder Medical has a long comment at the end.  He says he 
actually worked with Dr. Becker interestingly enough.

    There are actually a lot of cheap supplements on this list that I would try 
all at once for nerve damage and spinal cord injury.  Some other cheap options 
too such as simply putting some wooden blocks under the head of your head to 
incline your bed at night has improved I think 3 cases of chronic SCI's.

    Liposomal colostrum is cheap in bulk powder (not capsules) and is very 
promising for any injury I think.  The Director of that company posted a 
comment saying his product cured a case of spina bifida, a very serious birth 
defect!  Ordinary colostrum also improved one chronic SCI.  

    I have some other things in my notes I still have not added to this page 
such as IR therapies and a couple other supplements I can't remember right now. 

    Nothing can be done for nerve damage and spinal cord injury?...That is BS.


    On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 6:01 PM, <> 

            Hi David.  Does the ReBulider only work on nerves, do you know?  It 
sounds much like the SCIO machine a friend of mine has, only hers works on just 
about everything--in real time, sending back a balancing signal to what it has 
detected as being unbalanced in the body.  But that machine is SUPER expensive! 
